in photos •  7 years ago 

What do you do on a weekend? This past weekend, I ventured over the mountain to my friend Dee Dee's house.
She and I love love love yard sales. This time of year is kinda early in her area, since there is still some snow here and there. We decided we would travel to the city, Boise Idaho, which is about 120 miles south of her house. Seems like a long way to go just for a yard sale doesn't it? LOL We don't care! It is warmer in that country so nothing was going to detain us!

Before we go anywhere, Ms. Dee Dee thinks I need a new hairdoo. It's getting so long and unfortunately a little thin as well. Time to try something else. Here we have the before and after shots. I think I like it!



With a new doo and a pocket full of money, off we go like a dirty shirt! We didn't get 5 miles down the road and screech, the brakes go on and we both holler "yard sale!!!" first one of the day is always fun. I have been patiently looking and waiting for over a year now for a fly rod, well looky looky what I scored for $10.

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The drive to Boise follows the Payette River. With spring thaw the river is full and running very swiftly. I didn't see not one kyacker out there this weekend.

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Second stop, another yard sale!! Girls just wanna have fun. Almost bought this guy to bring home to keep me company. He's a real cutie. :) My kind of guy, strong silent type.

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We hit every yard sale, second hand shop we could muster the strength for. Time for lunch! Ever been to a "Texas Roadhouse"? Yum, the food is amazing, the wait staff are a hoot. When ever a certain song comes on all the staff line up and do a line dance and whoop it up. Such fun. I had the 1/2 rack ribs, and Dee Dee had the prime rib. Enough food to last us for a couple days!
Oh my, where do I bite it first! lol

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With full tummies, we venture off to the Sportsmans Warehouse across the street so I can purchase new lead line and a few flys for my new fishin pole. :) I am a happy camper. It was a successful day in our book. We made it home before dark, like good little girls. I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

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Can't believe you did not bring him home, he looks like a keeper!

like in the closet. LOL I get bored easily and it wouldn't last. LOL

Cute new Hairdo!!
Time with friends is so good for the soul, I am happy to hear you took some!

It was great fun and much needed. Better play now before all the yard work begins. :)


Love the new do! Makes you look younger! Girl time is a necessity and it looks like you guys had a great weekend! The ribs look scrumptious.

The Ribs were fallin off the bone scrumptious! I have Known this girl since the early 80's. she is a southern sweetie. She and her husband threw the crawfish boil I went to a few weeks ago. Good people. Scoring that fly rod was the real highlight of my day!!! God is good. Been looking for a long time. Not much to be done about getting old I reckon. I'm chasing 70. One more year to go! lol I like the new doo, I can still tuck it behind my ears. :) We are just getting started on the season of yard sales. More good times to come!