Blue Line = 5 mm from the cutting line. is the security area inside. When designing, the logos and logos should stay in this area. There is a risk that any content outside this area will be cut off! You only need to leave the ground outside this area.
Red Line = Cut line. Your design will be cut from the red lines.
Black Line = The end of the overflow area. The floor must be carried over to this frame.
Margin 3
Things to Consider While Designing
Design must be done in CMYK color format.
Especially when black and tones (Gray) are used, the color values should be C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100 and their values.
The design must be worked on its own scale.
There must be an overflow in design.
The image used for quality printing should be at 300 DPI resolution or vector.