~ S A V E - O U R - P L A N E T ~

in photoshop •  6 years ago  (edited)

I wish today to pay tribute in our planet, by this Photoshop.
Software : Pixlr. @steemminder original works.
October, 11/2018.

The pollution began with the development of the industrial activity. The industrial revolution from the end of XVII ème century led at first to the atmospheric pollution with the burn of the coal. Nowadays besides polluting the atmosphere the industries pollute waters and grounds by the numerous types of chemicals shit...


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Great picture.... You should share more

Congratulations, Your post has been upvoted and resteemed by @minnowsupporter . Keep Steeming ;)

Beautiful picture, I can see why @minnowsupporter resteemed your post. 👏

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Happy to see your beautiful and inspiring piece of art one minute afte the publication. Steem on brother!