The Most Intriguing Videos I Have Seen on Youtube (Hutchison Effect 1989)...
The footage used in news reports from the 1990's...
Now that the proliferation and apoptosis of cancer cells can be concisely expressed using appropriate nomenclature, the next challenge...
What I know, Hutchison countered the mass of objects using radial and zero Hertz energies. Piecka has been lifting trichome stalks using non-radial, zero hertz energy. A method for removing impurity, from phyto-cannabinoids that cause apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells. I have grown three inches taller since the age of thirty-six.
Few modern scientists have an appreciation for the amount and quality of technological innovations during WWII. To this day, equipment of similar quality is not being produced as it was then. A difficult task, besting those who worked each day as though they had a gun to their head (the uncertain outcome of war upon humanity).
I had the choice of sharing or neglecting the following information, during my twenties I put forth much effort practicing TAM (Traditional Asian Medicine), why waste?
Circuit... tip of tongue contacts roof of mouth, energy that is not spent in the front yard makes its way to the back by way of the PC muscle then up the spine. The unspent cultivated energy is then available to the governing body (mind) in the penthouse of a human structure.
I suppose I did not have the average North American perception, of the world around me. I was attacked repetitively by sociopathic groups, that said and did anything to anyone for a dollar. There were times I was not sure I had the strength to not attack them in return ..instead I learn and build.