The right health - the ten best golden physiological time of the human body

in physiological •  7 years ago 

2531170_083051501591_2.jpg1. the best time to drink tea

The best time to drink tea is 1 hours after the meal. Many people like to drink hot tea immediately after meals, which is very unscientific. Because the tannic acid in tea can produce insoluble iron salts with the iron knot in the food, it interferes with the absorption of iron to the human body, and it can induce anaemia for a long time.

  1. the best time to drink milk

Because the milk contains rich calcium, the middle-aged and old people drink before sleeping, it can compensate the low state of the night blood calcium and protect the bones. At the same time, milk has a hypnotic effect.

  1. the best time to brush your teeth

3 minutes after a meal is the best time to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth. Because of this, the bacteria in the mouth begin to break down the residue of food, the acidic substances produced by them are easy to corrode, dissolve the enamel and damage the teeth.

  1. the best time to eat fruit

The best time to eat fruit is 1 hours before the meal. Because fruit is a raw food, after eating raw food and eating cooked food, the body of white blood cells will not increase, is conducive to the protection of the human immune system.

  1. the best time for the sun

Morning 8 am to 10 pm and 4 pm to 7 pm, is the best time to bask in the sun health at daylight with beneficial ultraviolet A light beam, the body can produce vitamin D, so as to enhance the body's immune system against tuberculosis and prevent osteoporosis, and reduce the incidence of arteriosclerosis.

  1. the best time for beauty

Skin metabolism is the most vigorous from 24 o'clock to 6 o'clock the next morning, so the best cosmetic and skin care products before going to bed at night is to promote metabolism and protect skin health.

  1. the best time for a walk

45 to 60 minutes after meals, take a walk of 4.8 kilometers per hour for 20 minutes, the maximum heat consumption, the most beneficial to lose weight. If you take a walk after two hours after a meal, the effect will be better.

  1. the best time for the bath

Every night to go to sleep to come to a warm water bath (35 - 45 C), can make the muscles and joints of the whole body relax, blood circulation speed up, help you to sleep in peace.

  1. the best time for sleep

It's best to start with a nap at 13. When the body feels down, it's easy to fall asleep. It is good to go to bed from 22 to 23 in the evening, because the person's deep sleep time is from 24 to 3 in the morning after the next day, and the person enters a deep sleep after 1.5 hours after sleep.

  1. the best time for exercise

Exercise is the most beneficial in the evening. The reason is that the physical exertion of the person or the fitness of the body is best in the afternoon or near the evening. At this time, the sense of taste, vision, hearing, and so on are most sensitive, and the ability to coordinate the whole body is the strongest, especially the heart rhythm and blood pressure are more stable, the most suitable exercise.

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Vote I know yes

I've always heard the best time to workout if before the first meal of the day because of the increased benefits of working out in a fasted state.