“Dark Night” is my meditation song. I came across it when looters and rioters were doing their rounds in Los Angeles. When I’m especially feeling a shadow upon me, I play this piece over and over. JNET in loop... in hopes that I can ward away bad juju with my piano.
I made some quarantine playing videos and filming them is harder than playing them. My mom asked why I only film my hands. It’s a cruel world and people are wacky. I don’t need some meanie picking on my hairstyle, what outfit I chose, and be fodder for a fool.
For Dark Night the room is glaringly bright. I stationed a large mirror to cast a beam on my keyboard so that it can appear that I only capture light under my hands. It was the kind of bright light that can give you a headache or seizure. I only had an hour window to take advantage of the sunlight to land on my piano the way I wanted.
The prisms were made possible by the privacy plastic I was raving about several posts ago. Rainbows casting about my home every day makes lockdown less of a misery. At the current state of things, California plans to stay in lockdown at least for another year.
I’ve watched my neighbors and friends move and Studio City turn into a ghost town.
But I’m alive and kicking and have several unwritten posts in my brain. It’s good to be back. I hope to return to posting at least once if not twice a week.
Hello from OUTSIDE of Spaceship JNET.
After 10 months of solitude, I came to SD for Christmas.