1- Multiple uses
juices, smoothies, in salads, pizzas and whatever you want. Also in exotic meat or fish dishes or for desserts.
2- It is low in calories
In addition to the above benefits fresh pineapples have very few calories, you can take them without worries even being in a diet regime. 100 gr of pineapple have about 50 calories.
3- It is diuretic
Pineapple contains 86% water. It is a moisturizing food that in addition to nutrients provides us with much needed water for our body.
4- Pineapple juice can be used to soften meat
Due to its bromelin content pineapple juice or if you have pineapple remains, you can use them to soften meat. Since it 'breaks down' proteins.
5- Rich in antioxidants
Anthocyanins contain a type of flavonoids (metabolites of plants). Anthocyanins are water soluble pigments present in fruits and vegetables. They are the ones that give a wide variety of colors fruits and vegetables. Anthocyanins have been shown to have beneficial effects on human health. Anthocyanins are related to the prevention of heart disease.
6- It contains the enzyme bromelain
This enzyme is only found in pineapples and its function is to undo proteins. Bromelain is used traditionally in countries where pineapples abounded as an anti-inflammatory remedy. Laboratory studies have shown that bromelain reduces inflammation and strengthens the immune system. Its effect is being investigated to improve the health of the intestine, facilitate the healing of the skin and reduce the risk of cancer.
Studies in animals show that bromelain can help in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system.
Contributes to reduce intestinal inflammation. By facilitating the digestion of proteins, it is useful for people prone to heavy digestions after a protein-rich meal such as meat dishes. Bromelain is beneficial in cases of constipation, dyspepsia, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
7- Source of vitamins and minerals
It has vitamin A, 58 IU, vitamin C 48 mg, vitamin B6, potassium 109 mg, dietary fiber, calcium 13 mg, magnesium, copper, manganese and folic acid. It also has small amounts of iron.