voat archive 1.3 yrs: pizzagate investigators have a look at the tech as far as an additional motive for harvesting kids [meOW research}

in pizzagate •  7 years ago 

Archived pizzagater investigators: have a look at the tech as far as an additional motive for harvesting kids. (pizzagate)

submitted 1.3 years ago by chickyrogue

https://www.technologyreview.com/s/602080/the-next-health-fad-blood-transfusions-from-young-people/ pizzagaters:

have a look at the tech as far as an additional motive for harvesting kids.

I doubt any company willing to talk to a fancy magazine would be involved, but it would make profitable business sense for the international rings of ghouls to be turning broken children into bloodbanks for aging world leaders who should be dead by now. Which countries are donating to Clinton Foundation? How many of them have past-expiration-date leaders? are any of those too-old leaders directly tied to the Foundation? here's an old list that might be a starting point for pizzagaters who have time to dig in: http://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolomon/2013/03/14/geezer-gazillionaires-the-worlds-oldest-richest-people

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[–] We_The_People 2 points (+2|-0) 1.3 years ago

David Rockefeller had 6 heart transplants.

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[–] chickyrogue [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 1.3 years ago

and dick cheney the heart of an 18 year old now that i think about it

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[–] Sentastixc 1 points (+1|-0) 1.3 years ago

7 transplants http://anonhq.com/david-rockefeller-breaks-record-heart-transplants-age-101/

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[–] MAGABoomer 1 points (+1|-0) 1.3 years ago

It appears he went on the transplant wait list around that time, 20 months ago.

He only waited 20 months...

"I've been arguing for a long time that the system should pay more attention to age because you'll get a better return on the gift" because younger people are more likely to live longer with a donor organ, Caplan said.


I cannot find any real source for either Rockfeller or Soros's heart transplants. Although both can afford to buy whatever they want.

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[–] [deleted] 1 points (+1|-0) 1.3 years ago


[–] chickyrogue [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 1.3 years ago

ty for your suggestion lets save some kids!

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[–] We_The_People 1 points (+1|-0) 1.3 years ago


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[–] chickyrogue [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 1.3 years ago

it boggles the mind how deep these waters run

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[–] derram 1 points (+1|-0) 1.3 years ago

https://archive.is/jSPd5 :

Forbes Welcome

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[–] chickyrogue [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 1.3 years ago


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[–] We_The_People 0 points (+1|-1) 1.3 years ago

Oh look, one of the most outspoken celebs against Trump. George Lopez.

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[–] darthveddit 1 points (+1|-0) 1.3 years ago

I wonder who these people are in debt to? A vast human trafficking/organ harvesting ring? A powerful country full of oil? Oh fuck! Back to Saudi Arabia/Israel/Clinton foundation.

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[–] chickyrogue [S] -1 points (+0|-1) 1.3 years ago

it makes you wonder truly but almost all in teh public eye paid a price [their soul] to get there

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