Welcome To PlankTown!! The Adventure Begins!!

in planktown •  6 years ago  (edited)


In the ocean deep there are mysteries

that have remained hidden since the dawn of time. Some say they are only legends, and could not possibly be true in any way. But that’s the thing about mysteries, you see. They are mysterious. They are unknown. And sometimes, they even demand a little bit of the rarest thing that one could imagine. Faith.

In the shadows of the deep, I tell you,

there is such a mystery. A place of such beauty and legend that it can only be found by believing. Its existence is not fragile. Only the belief to know it is there, and to see it, is fragile.

But there, it is. It is there.

PlankTown, Under the Sea.


As often happens with legends,

they become stories in what we like to call, ‘the real world.’ Do you know why we call it the real world? Because it is the only world we know. Sometimes, maybe often, and occasionally always, we forget that there are other worlds that we know not of. And they call their world the real world and think of ours as legend.

In a confusing PlankVerse, could it be that there are many real worlds? I say it is more than possible. But how could I know that? After all, I’m barely 7 moons old!

Well, my name is Plankie

and I already know because I live in a magical place called PlankTown. I know this because I’ve heard the legends from the old timers. I’m a plankton and I haven’t seen very much yet in this great big sea world. But I hear the stories in the local saloon from some who have been around these parts forever. Some of them more than 18 moons! I know it’s crazy, but it’s true. They show me their battle scars and wink.

As with any great place that one can call home,

sometimes you have to fight for your place in this world. Well, if you hang around long enough you’ll see that you have to fight for your place in every world. I’m not allowed to tell you, that in PlankTown, there is a secret that only I know about. And the only reason I know about it is because my Uncle Harry was talking about it in his sleep one night when he was visiting us. PlankTown has a secret StarFish Gate that leads to the PlankVerse!! I didn’t believe it at first, but I went and checked it out. I shouldn’t have, but now I’m glad I did. I would rather know that we are not alone in the PlankVerse.

But now it scares me a little

because sometimes I hear whispers about those that want to control or even destroy PlankTown. They call him the MerMan. Well, the MerMan better hope he never comes to PlankTown ‘cause let me tell you something. We’re no push over. Uncle Harry is the most massive electric eel to ever work on the BlockChain Gang powering the BlockChain. You think I’m bragging about my Uncle Harry don’t you? Just ‘cause he’s my uncle. Well, let me put it this way. Every shift on the BlockChain Gang requires four electric eels to power it. Four. Not three, four. My uncle Harry only ever had One other eel with him on his shift. Let me tell you that he’s popular in PlankTown. Every Krill in town is always asking him to power her shellfone, and he can never say no. A little zap to fully power up her shellfone and she’s off and swimming giggling to her friends, ‘Hey!! Harry zapped my shellfone!!’ It’s honestly super cute but I can barely ever get a minute with him! The MerMan can pick a fight here if he wants to but it’s a mistake I’m pretty sure.

My GrandPlank is a vet from the first big flag war

and he worked with the resistance and other groups during the war. Gotta love my GrandPlank, he gets along with everybody!! But wow he’s tough. He doesn’t look it and I think that’s why people are so surprised when he does react to something. This Krill gal I’m in love with, wow, what a Krill. BlueBerry Krill, just wow! Her papa is KrillBill and everyone knows he’s a stone cold Kriller. He owns a Sushi joint in PlankTown called the Krill & Grill and fancies himself some kind of legendary, sword wielding Salmonrai.

Anyway, he told my GrandPlank

one day that I wasn’t good enough for his daughter, my beautiful BlueBerry Krill. As usual, my GrandPlank said and did nothing. Until KrillBill put his tentacle on my GrandPlank. What happened after that is still debated to this day. My GrandPlank spun in a circle dragging his feet on the ocean floor and kicked up a cloud of sand just like the legendary smoke bombs from The Above. When the water started to clear my GrandPlank had KrillBill in some crazy mixed plankton arts chokehold and KrillBill was limp and barely breathing. My GrandPlank spoke quietly. So very quietly. And those around him leaned in close to hear him say, ‘I’m pretty sure you were saying my GranBoy Plankie is your favourite choice to take BlueBerry Krill on a date to the reef. Well, KrillBill couldn’t really say too much, seeing as he wasn’t breathing all that much at the moment, but he nodded hard. Very hard indeed. And that’s how I got my first date with BlueBerry Krill. I felt a little bad for KrillBill, seeing as he was now the second toughest creature in PlankTown. But that only lasted until BlueBerry Krill gave me a little smile and a wave and mouthed the words, sea you later alligator, and winked. Oh did she wink. She winked with one of her gorgeous big brown eyes. And that red hair. Wow.



You might be wondering how I have a massive electric eel for an uncle, but really I’m not the best plank to ask. After all, my PlankPapa is a plankton and he fell in love with my MinnowMama, so really I’m kinda looking to you to explain the SeaUrchins and ClownFish to me.

All I know is I’m sitting here on this reef

with the Krill of my dreams. I’ll have to tell you how we met someday soon. But. That’s another story.

For now, all I know is I’m a PlankTown Plank in love, and I’m going to kick back at the reef with my sweet BlueBerry Krill, bet it all on red, and try to beat the house.


©All images, music & stories are owned by PlankTown™

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Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight

to Steemians all around the world. I want to send out a big Thank You to the many folks who are supporting PlankTown and looking forward to having some fun. I can't tell you how much your support means to me, @derosnec & @globocop.

Please keep a sharp lookout for our next instalment of PlankTown

coming next week! Thank you all so very much for all the love shown. To each and every follow, resteem and vote we humbly thank you and look forward to entertaining you with the many adventures of PlankTown & the PlankVerse!!

Welcome to PlankTown, Under The Sea!

Love, @thebugiq, @derosnec & our beloved PlankTown Sheriff @globi Chris 'The Hat' Hatfield @globocop


This is Awesome! Good Job Guise! Need Moar Planktown :)

without planktown there would be no oil in the middle east, since plankton created the vast oil and gas in the bottom of the sea and the bottom of the dessert, they'd been here during dinosaurs age.

muy cierto tu comentario.

Why must I beeeeeeeee and snekky with no finnsssssss toooo swimmmmmm

Really amazing work! I am such a super FAN ((Starts to fansnek)) OMG I am in loveeeeeeeee



un trabajo muy lindo

I guess your @planktown name derived from plankton in the bottom os the ocean? LOL

its a beautiful town

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Thank You! ⚜

Hello @planktown! This vote comes courtesy of @thedolphincocoon by way of @ma1neevent.

Why - would you believe it?

While electric eel uncle Harry was zapping Krill's shellfone, the power went off down at the sheriff's office, the pub and the jail. In the courthouse, too.

Official Notice
I have to remind all electric eels on duty that delivering power to the town's vital locations is first priority.

I am a bit grumpy now, polishing my flag guns.

But that story is just so darling....
Sheriff Globi

Wouldn't want to do this without ya Sheriff Globi!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

With Uncle Harry, GrankPlank, and KrillBill around MerMan would be wise not to mess with PlankTown!!

Unless....dun dun dun.

"Plank In Love" is my jam of the year! The @planktown set a very high standard with this one.

The funny part was, I was almost thinking you were gearing the story towards Spongebob. Boy was I glad to be wrong. :)

This is so Awsome my friend 🤗 really love the story, made me smile. Amazing job.

To have an idea get this type of support.. Hands Downs Love Steemit

Lol, omg this was super cute. It would make a cute kids book. :) Glad I stopped in to read. Forgot to add the part about the shellfone was cracking me up.

This is SO SO cool!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Plankie... How are you? Is there a nice pub in Planktown. Do they serve seafood there ;) Love the song and the voice. Awesome... Keep on producing.

Being a plankton is not easy, you have big dreams of swimming with the fishes, being in a great school of minnows, or playing with the dolphins, even someday patrolling the waters as an Orca, admiring all those who just coast the sea of green without a care in the world as a whale.

Then the hard cold deep reality of the water begins to sink in......

This is the closest thing to steem that a plankton will see,......for a long time.

(internet meme)

This was one of my first post's when I started Steemit
I'm still a plankton, and will be for sometime.
It's ok though, We all have to evolve sometime.

Did you ever dream of been a fish?

No, but I always thought Ariel was hot, well for a fish I mean.
And I am a water sign so that might be part of my fishiness.

The story made me laught and it's too cute, amazing post!

Nice music, nice video.


Wow!!!!!!!!!!! Such an amazing song. The write up so cool and the pictures so amazing. The sea and nature is indeed very beautiful.

You always over deliver. Nice

Amazing plank town!
Nice mysterious story.

Nice song , nice video, also.
Thanks for sharing!

The adventure of life is more interesting. Life should be a kind of colour.

hey hey @atmosblack, thanks for throwing up some hands!! Looking forward to entertaining folks. Thanks for coming along!!

You got a 33.26% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @thebugiq!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

Loved it and a big thumbs up!

Nice photo and beautiful love

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Thank You! ⚜

I really love to hear that story and I really enjoy. Thank you for sharing this post and you bring me to the deepest sea while reading the information/story that you post.

I move to the sea, Great!!!


For most of this post I was reading it and wondering what the heck this was. Then when I got to the end and saw the plot twist of it being a colouring competition, it really threw me for a loop. Nice song and video, haha. I am not really a creative person in the drawing or colouring department, but what the heck, I might give this a go and see what the result ends up being.

@beggars, it's not a specifically a colouring competition. The story of Plankie of PlankTown is the main highlight of this post. The coloring component was to engage the community. :)


This is a nice story to remind us once again we are so little and insignifficant in the universe. However, we are part of our own world, our own decisions, and together, we make something much bigger than what we are as individuals.

Let's all be like plankton.

this is worth it @planktown I love the great work you put in creating your images . and about the post , it was worth spending time on

planktown really very nice

OK. I am going to Pitch Secondlife to you again, because of the animation. But here I am pitching it to all three of you as an option.

Please read this with a mind as open as you have toward possibilities with Steemit.

I would like you to Youtube secondlife and gain some visual of what is possible with the platform, There is a possibility you can have a video made of your story, and have plankton that is moving you as a plankton playing the guitar for the song, there are many places with beaches and under-water places available to make these animations with. Should you wish, I can provide access to the site through an account for you to explore a bit with. I can log in alongside you if you wish for a bit of guidance. Should you want to look further to this, let me know and I will be happy to make some time convenient to yourself.

lovely underwater scene- I feel like going swimming now

Its nice

Greetings know PlankTown
@planktown a name that has a name that brings a change and a journey that may not be long but your name will be sailing the ocean and will bring big fish that will give prosperity to the universe.This is the best time for a PlankTown @ planktown to be able to master the global market that has been going up and down.

thanks for the views that have become meaningful learning and we will be the winner to master the marketing market

Bravo PlankTown @planktown

we win together

cute : ) hi !

This is so amazing, cartoon is my favorite and glad i found your work here, love it ❤

Esto me recordo a Ariel del Comic de Disney La Sirenita jajajajajaja

Really your story is incredible, I think that dreaming costs nothing, and if I also think that the depths of the sea, are a different world, full of many mysteries, to which the most studies of marine geology, are the most indicated for tell us and get us out of those mysterious doubts that exist in the sea.
I like your post, I will continue reading them to see in your next article what else you bring us, good luck.

nice post and content

Wow......so beautiful and eye catchy. Thumbs Up "Plank town".

Ok, here we go, a little late but eager to catch up with this great adventure.

The treatment that you give @thebugiq to the characters seems to me wonderful, with a couple of lines and without losing the fresh language, describe very well the psychology of all those characters. I hope to understand the background of this story and the message you want to convey despite my short experience in Steemit.

When you talk about reality, the real world and all those things, you remind me a little of Falcaud in the treatment of literary fiction, like a bit of Nietche. It is wonderful that you have simplified those two giants of philosophy and invited us to dream, to have faith and to believe in @planktown.

You may never read this comment because it is quite untimely, but I still thank you for your work. See you in the next chapter @thebugiq!

Congratulations @planktown!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 8 with $ 452,8

this is so so amazing....thanks for sharing cos i just learnt alot

Awesome :)

i like the pict. Great work. Congratulations from @yokondap from Venezuela, South America. Please follow me.

Nice post man. So informative especially to people like me who just started using steemit. Hhaha nice work man.

I figure your @planktown name got from microscopic fish in the base os the sea?

Totally agree with this post...Help and support each other and the world as a whole--a better place...
creative job @planktown, thank you for sharing

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Planktown is a world that seems very pleasant, in other waters there would be pollution everywhere, whales and sharks circling to eat the planktons.

In Planktown I see only friendly sea creatures, who are happy & working symbiotically together!

Ha ha ha..Planktown..that is absolutely a mind blowing thought from you. I believe if there is no planktown(Plankton) there will be no food for fishes and for human also.So i am starting my adventure with you "planktown"

If anything caught my eye, it's that you said the ocean holds mysteries... So catchy... Besides, it's very true

Totally agree with this post...Help and support each other and the world as a whole--a better place...
creative job @planktown, thank you for sharing.

Before, I heard many mysteries but its different. I want to travel your motherland and enjoy this.

Who's motherland are you referring to? Plankie's motherland? You're going to have to get your scuba gear prepped for that.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

okay, you are cracking me up LOLL did you run out of people to play with @scuzzy? :D and how do you have bandwidth when no one else does? :D

Are you part of this @scuzzy?

Shh @snook, that secret was only between you and me that's why only you and I can comment.

Isn't it entertaining though? haha

A plagiarist account copied your post.


They plagiarized one of mine as well and it was brought to my attention.

That inspired me to check their other posts.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

@ringku, what did you like about it?

Probably likes the fact they can send a bidbot to their spam comments.

This comment has received a 0.30 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ringku.