Eating more plant foods may lower your risk of heart disease and many cancers

in plant •  4 years ago 


Eating more plant foods may lower your risk of heart disease and many cancers, as well as certain infections.

Fibers in plant foods may help to protect against obesity.

Dietary fiber slows the emptying of the stomach, helping to prevent overeating and help to maintain a healthy weight. Fiber is also found in vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, and beans.

Fiber may help to protect against cancer, by lowering your risk of cancer and speeding up your body's recovery after cancer treatment.

Eating foods with high fiber content may lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.



The word fiber means anything found in plant foods that can be broken down by bacteria in your digestive system into parts that the body can use. Plant foods contain dietary fiber, a major portion of which comes from dietary fiber, a portion of which comes from soluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps your body hold on to water and moves from your intestines to the colon. Insoluble fiber does not move in this way, and is indigestible by the body.

All plant foods contain dietary fiber. Examples include brown rice, beans, legumes, peas, oats, avocados, bananas, apricots, and apples.

Fiber is thought to help in the following ways:

Lowering your blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Lowering your blood pressure, which is important for heart health.

Easing your bowel movements, which helps to reduce the risk of bowel problems, such as constipation or diarrhea.

Helping to remove cholesterol from the body, which lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Stabilizing your blood sugar, which is important for a healthy metabolism.

Help in weight management by providing bulk to your diet.


Eating more plant foods may lower your risk of heart disease and many cancers, as well as improve your overall health and quality of life. For those who want to maximize the benefit of plant foods, be sure to include:

fiber-containing grains, beans, and lentils

fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains

nuts, seeds, and dried beans

fish, meat, and eggs

healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats

The American Cancer Society recommends that women between the ages of 50 and 70 eat at least 38 grams of fiber a day. Women over 70 should be at a minimum of 25 grams. Men between 50 and 70 should aim for at least 21 grams a day, and those over 70 should aim for at least 14 grams a day.

If you are not already in the habit of following a plant-based diet, you can begin to change your diet by incorporating more plant foods and less animal products into your diet. Make plant foods the foundation of your diet, such as using beans and grains as the base of your soups and salads. Be creative.

Another way to add more fiber to your diet is to find low-fat, high-fiber snacks. For example, use celery stalks or a few whole raw almonds in your lunch instead of crackers or potato chips. Try to limit your consumption of breads and bread products, especially if you find that they are part of your diet. Bread products, such as English muffins, pretzels, bagels, and pizza, tend to be very high in calories and also tend to contain little fiber.

When you have no problem consuming large amounts of processed food, it's a good idea to buy food with the largest grains available. Whole wheat pasta is not going to be high in fiber unless you cook it very, very thoroughly. A 1-cup serving of cooked whole wheat pasta has about 2 grams of fiber, which is only about one-third the fiber found in whole-wheat bread. That can mean some serious calories.

It is a good idea to buy whole-grain, unsalted nuts and seeds. These contain protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are very beneficial. If you find you are not consuming enough nuts and seeds on a daily basis, try to incorporate them into your diet.


To limit the amount of cholesterol you consume, eat fish such as salmon. It is a high-fat fish, but it also has lots of healthy oils in it that can lower your cholesterol levels. Salmon is also a good source of B-complex vitamins, selenium, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.


Be aware of the amount of added sugars you consume. Read food labels carefully. If you do not want a sweet treat, you might want to forgo buying the food and buy something healthier. However, be aware of all the ingredients in your food, and not just the ones that spell sugar or corn syrup. Sugar can be found in many things you might not expect. Be sure to check out all the ingredients in packaged foods before you buy them.

The following are just some of the foods you might want to include in your diet.


Dried beans are available at the supermarket. You can add a half cup or so of canned beans to your diet. You can also bake and serve them.


Pork is a good source of protein and other nutrients. It is rich in iron, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamin D. It is also a good source of B vitamins.


You can buy oatmeal that is both fortified and natural. You can also make oatmeal at home.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are very beneficial. They are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. You can make a smoothie with some of these items.


Flaxseed oil and flaxseed meal are both nutritious. You can mix them in your food or sprinkle them on top of your meal. Flax is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your heart.


Beef is full of nutrients such as protein and iron. It is also very delicious.


Fish is very beneficial to your diet. It is a good source of protein. It is also very beneficial to your heart and blood pressure.


Legumes like peas and lentils are also good for you. They are a rich source of protein and fiber. You can also add them to your diet if you are trying to cut down on meat.


Seafood is a great way to get your omega-3 fatty acids. You can also enjoy it in many different ways. You can bake it or grill it.

Whole grains

Whole grains such as oats and wheat are also full of nutrients. They are also a good source of protein.


Nuts such as almonds and peanuts are also full of nutrients. They are a good source of fiber and fat. They can also be eaten on their own or added to salads and sandwiches.


Start Juicing

Why Start Juicing?

Juicing is a great way to add more nutrition to your diet. The benefits of juicing are endless and it can help with a variety of health issues. It can help reduce bloating, inflammation, and even detox your body. By juicing you also get a great way to get more fruit and vegetables into your diet. I like to juice two times a week.

Juicing is very easy to do and is a great way to introduce more fruits and vegetables into your diet. It also helps to keep you hydrated. To start, simply juice the fruits and vegetables you want to add to your diet.

Start by juicing at least five fruit and vegetable combinations. Add a lemon to your juice to increase the health benefits. The reason you should add lemon to your juice is because it will help you to get more nutrition from your juice and also help with health issues. The more fruit and vegetable combinations you juice the more benefits you can get. I like to add one or two juices to my everyday life. For example, if I am making a smoothie I will always juice a small handful of kale, cucumber, and a small handful of blueberries.

If you start juicing three times a week and take the time to do it properly you will start to see great benefits. After three weeks of juicing you will notice that you feel better and even start to notice a weight loss.


Why should you drink your juice?

The benefits of drinking your juice are endless and here are just a few of the many benefits you will get:

Weight loss

If you drink your juice you will lose weight, just like drinking water will help you to lose weight. A study was published in the Journal of Physiology that found the fiber in foods are helping you to lose weight. The study concluded that the more fiber you have in your diet the lower your calorie intake and consequently the weight you lose will be less. Drinking juice can help you to lose weight. If you were to eat a glass of a fruit juice each day for a week you would lose weight just like you would if you were to drink water.

Good for the gut

Drinking your juice can help to keep you healthy from the inside. Juicing food allows you to get the vitamins and nutrients that are not easily absorbed through food. When you drink your juice you can get nutrition from the fiber and from the vitamin content.

Detoxes the body

Juicing allows your body to detox and release the toxins that you accumulate on a daily basis. Juicing vegetables and fruit is a great way to get a healthy detox. You can get a detox in a few different ways, one is through food, the second is by doing something like exercising, and the third is through drinking juice.

Builds muscle

If you want to build muscle you need to give your body protein and carbohydrates. A great way to add protein to your daily diet is through food or supplements. You can also build muscle by doing certain exercises and drinking juice can help with this. Juicing provides a good source of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins.

Healthy blood pressure

Juice can help keep your blood pressure normal if you are experiencing elevated blood pressure. You can get more fiber in your daily diet or you can drink your juice and you will feel better in a matter of seconds. Fiber will reduce the total cholesterol and raise the good cholesterol. Fiber can also help to reduce weight, reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, and some forms of cancer.

Aids in weight loss

If you are trying to lose weight by drinking fruit juice it can help you reach your weight loss goals. Juicing provides a great way to fill up on your daily calories. Not to mention there are many different vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that you can take in that are beneficial to the human body.

Protects against cancer

If you are looking to prevent cancer you can start juicing. If you drink fruits and vegetables regularly you can help keep your immune system healthy. You can also lower your risk of certain cancers like breast and colon cancer. In fact drinking the juice is a great way to treat these types of cancers.

Lowers cholesterol

If you want to have lower cholesterol you can have juice. Fruit and vegetables are a great way to lower the cholesterol. You can add this to your diet, drink it as a supplement, or you can get your juice to help lower cholesterol.

Improves blood flow

You can improve your blood flow if you drink juice. There are different types of juicing and what you add into your juice can help to regulate the blood flow. For example, carrot juice will improve your blood circulation. You should add fresh ginger to your juice to help reduce inflammation.

Lower blood pressure

If you want to lower your blood pressure you can drink fruit and vegetable juices. Different people have different triggers for a higher blood pressure. However, eating a healthy diet can help you get better results and improve your overall health.

The following are the top eleven benefits of juicing that you should know about:

  1. Increases your vitamin intake

  2. Improves blood flow and circulation

  3. Lowers cholesterol

  4. Prevents weight gain and obesity

  5. Gives you more energy

  6. Boosts immunity

  7. Protects against cancer

  8. Helps with digestive issues

  9. Promotes heart health

  10. Protects against heart disease

  11. Improves your beauty

What's the Juicing Truth?

Dr. Robert Roslin, a holistic physician from the Netherlands, was interviewed by the media about the benefits of juicing and revealed some interesting information. You can find his documentary, "Juicing—A Matter of Life and Death?" on YouTube.

He explains that juicing is a new phenomenon that was popularized in the 1960s and 1970s. He says, "People started juicing and realized that it was not only a great way to lose weight and stay slim, but also that you could detox yourself of all those bad food elements and chemicals that you have been put through on a daily basis." He says that you are still eating the same things, but you are getting rid of the unnecessary chemicals and harmful compounds that are found in some of the food items.

Dr. Roslin says that juicing is one of the healthiest things you can do. "When you do juice, you get all those good foods together that you don't normally get together. That's why it's so good for you." He goes on to say that all you have to do is start off with eating raw vegetables and fruits, and then add juices on top of that to get all of the benefits from the fruits and vegetables.

He says that, although he doesn't consider juicing as a miracle, what you end up with is a miracle that you end up with—that's how powerful it is. His advice is to eat organic food and to have an alkaline diet, which includes lots of vegetables, fruits, and juices. He says that it's important to eat a balanced diet with lots of healthy fats. He recommends the following diet: 20 to 40 percent protein, 20 to 40 percent carbs, and 40 to 60 percent healthy fats. And be sure to add in at least eight ounces of liquid for every meal.

Dr. Roslin says that a healthy diet is not about calorie counting and is really just getting in a lot of nutrients. "Just eat the right things, the right quantities." If you are looking for the healthiest diet, do your research and learn how to be conscious of what you are putting in your body.

He says that if you eat properly, you won't have any problem with weight. "You will be a lot healthier and lose a lot of weight." A good rule of thumb for a healthy diet is that you can count on two of anything that you eat. "The first thing that goes is the fiber." He says that you'll start to feel better and get your weight down naturally.

What Dr. Roslin doesn't want you to do is to go out and buy any fancy supplements—the ones that you see in the supplement store. He says that supplements are just as good as eating the right foods. "They have a lot of things in them, and you can eat a lot more of the right foods instead of taking supplements." He says that there are always going to be things that we don't understand when it comes to nutrition. For instance, Dr. Roslin says that if we're going to take a vitamin supplement, it should be something that you might not find in a balanced diet. For instance, zinc is really important for your health because it is the catalyst for the proper development of your immune system, and it also plays a role in your skin and the proper growth of your hair

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