EP50: Why Systems and Workflows Are Essential For Success with Kate Erickson

in podcast •  6 years ago 

This is episode #50...and it’s kind of a big deal! In the podcast world, reaching the 50 episode mark is a huge milestone and today's guest is one of my role models, Kate Erickson from Entrepreneur on Fire www.EOFire.com.

EOFire is one of the most successful entrepreneur podcasts on the internet which typically has revenue of $100k each month. Kate, along with her business and life partner John Lee Dumas, have built an amazing business including a successful podcast where they interview a new entrepreneur 7-days/week, they host a paid Mastermind group as well as offer free courses on:

How to start your own podcast from beginning to end
Why webinars are so important to online businesses
How to hire, train and work with Virtual Assistants
The importance of creating SMART goals
How to build and utilize Systems and Process in your business
and much, much more…

Kate is a powerhouse of logic, consistency and the definition of the entrepreneurial spirit. Before this interview is done, you will learn the importance of when and how to manage your day, why creating automation is so important to success and what is meant by “automate, delegate and batch” so that you remain in control of every day.

I should mention that Kate came from a Marketing and HR background. One of her main roles was to bring people into her office….and fire them. Not exactly rewarding. One day, she decided to become an entrepreneur and start working on the projects that she was FIRED UP about. Life’s too short to do something you don’t enjoy.

After meeting John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur Fire www.EOFire.com she became the “brains” behind the scene. Kate quickly found that creating systems, workflows and processes were her strength. Being a very logical person, Kate naturally found that she could create order in their business by writing down and processing out every aspect of their business. Not only did this leave less to guesswork, but created systems that they could depend on and eventually use to train new members of their team, specifically Virtual Assistants. Remember, successful Entrepreneurs know how to not only BUILD a business, but also how to DELEGATE it.

I really hope you enjoy listening to the experience, insights and advice from Kate. Her podcast, Kate’s Take, is one of the MOST ACTIONABLE and easy to understand podcasts available. I highly recommend it to everyone who listens to Liberty Entrepreneurs and there’s no doubt that you’ll gain mucho knowledge and become a better business person. Make sure to have a notebook handy while listening; there’s so much inspiration and actionable material that you’ll want to listen several times.

Until next time...KEEP BUILDING FREEDOM!

In Liberty,

Podcast Resources:

Kate’s Take Season One - How to set S.M.A.R.T Goal - www.eofire.com/season1

Kate’s Take Season Two - Creating Systems - http://www.eofire.com/season2/

EOFire website - http://www.eofire.com/

Contact Info:

Website: http://www.eofire.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/katelerickson
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EOFire/

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