Human beings have always had this strange relationship with food and the insanity, as in many cases, is usually found at the extremes. Haute cuisine and fast food are the perfect psychiatric case study.
General Sir John Glubb once quipped in his book The Fate of Empires during the final age, the Age of Decadence, celebrity chefs herald the end of the Empire. The Romans, the Ottomans, and the Spanish all made celebrities of their chefs.
In the modern age, and in a strange twist to this Age of Decadence, food has evolved from the concrete macro nutritional facts into a world where the story of the ingredients, the providence and origin now determine its halo of health. Macro-nutrients be damned.
Grab your Holy Chicken crispy grilled Superclucker loaded with some health halos, a comfy seat with a Thorzine drip, and you’re listening device.
In this episode, let’s take a satirical walk through the strange relationship humans have with food and the world of haute cuisine inspired by the documentary films Supersize Me 2 and Michelin: The Madness of Perfection. Morgan Spurlock, William Sitwell, Marcus Waring… I did mention it’s satire, right?
Everyday Crazy Podcast Season 1 Episode 4 – Crispy Grilled Health Halos
Humans have always had a strange relationship with food and somewhere along the way it morphed into a delicious theatre of the absurd. Morgan Spurlock’s quest to open his fast food chain Holy Chicken – which aims to give the customers an “honest” experience and Michelin The Madness of Perfection. It’s crispy grilled satire wrapped in a health halo of irony, so let your inner fat kid out to play for this episode.
About The Everyday Crazy Podcast
Everyday Crazy is a regular weekly podcast with new episodes every Wednesday. Check out the podcast episode on Anchor FM (www.anchor.fm) or download the Anchor app on your iPhone or Android device and look for the Everyday Crazy podcast. Be sure to Subscribe, Rate and Review the podcast so you can do your part to make certain LP is not suitable to hold public office.
On Anchor FM, you even leave me a voice message. You never know, but it could be featured on an upcoming show.
Be sure to also check out the companion playlist on Spotify in the shown notes. It’s punk rock, satire and comedy just the way nature intended.
Spotify Companion Playlist for Everyday Crazy Season 1 Episode 4
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