Last week, I posted a list of my favorite Radiolab episodes, this week I thought I would share a few of my favorites from another beloved podcast: Reply All.
photo © via Gimlet Media
Reply All is a thoughtful, hilarious podcast about technology and the internet. The hosts, PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman take those topics and apply them to the human condition and modern life, with wit, insight, and investigative journalism. There are over 120 episodes of this show, so to help you get started diving into this treasure trove of great podcast, here a few of my absolute favorites:
Shine On You Crazy Goldman
PJ asks the question of whether LSD can truly make someone a better person with some hands on investigation. They also explore a website designed for people who find themselves too high.
The Long Distance Part 1 and Part 2
In these episodes, Alex proves how far he will go to get to the bottom of a scam. The resulting podcasts are enlightening and hilarious.
Boy In Photo
PJ and Alex try to answer a simple question: who is the boy in the photo? And end up getting tangled in a web of lies and further questions.
The Crime Machine Part 1 and Part 2
In their most recent episode, the guys delve into the scandals of the New York Police Department and how a system put in place to save the city from crime is actually doing the opposite.
On the Inside Part 1 and Part 2
These were the first episodes I heard of Reply All, and I was absolutely hooked by the time Part 2 finished. On the Inside follows the story of a prisoner in maximum security prison and his blog. Reporter Sruthi Pinnamaneni delves into his case and the ins and outs of a life in prison.