How Long Should A Podcast Be?

in podcast •  5 years ago 

Podcast length.png

You might have asked yourself about how long should your podcast lasts, but did you ever ask yourself how long will you have a conversation with a friend on a phone call?

Podcasts are nothing but a way to convey a story and an idea that you believe in. They can be as long as a 3-hour history discussion by Dan Carlin or may last for a mere 38 seconds.

Although the length of a podcast is variable, yet 38 minutes and 42 seconds is considered to be the average one.

It’s not just about the length of a podcast:

This number shouldn’t be taken as the sole benchmark because the deciding factor is always going to be your genre and content.

  • Business and education-focused content will have comparatively shorter episodes when compared to podcasts related to gaming and music.

  • The goal should be to make podcasts long enough to deliver the intended message in a meaningful way. If the idea you desire to discuss will last for 25 minutes, there is no need for you to stretch it up to 50 minutes. You have to be considerate about what the audience feels and wrap up the podcast as soon as you feel that the core topics for the episodes are being discussed.


The aim is to decide length based on your content and not content based on the length.

  • Orientation is also a key factor when it comes to targeting your audience. Always try to keep the average length of your podcasts to be the same. Make up a schedule and stick to it. An 8-minute podcast followed by 45 minutes episode generates a sense of discomfort and Confusion on the audience’s part.

  • In case you are uneasy about posting long podcasts, you can always cut it down to 2–3 short length episodes.

Tips to figure out the perfect length for your podcast:

DECIDE THE FREQUENCY: A podcaster needs to decide upon the frequency of making the podcast episodes. Daily episodes should not last longer than 12–15 minutes while the monthly episodes can stretch up to 45–60 minutes.

ANALYTICS: Keep a regular check on the analytics section for your platform. It is the perfect place to give you an idea about what episodes did your audience liked more than others.

ENGAGE WITH YOUR LISTENERS: You can always approach some of your daily listeners and get a clear overview of which episodes did they like the most.

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Thanks for the above value. You definitely helping people through this little efforts.

Hey there, I have just joined here, and am not able to understand, how to make my post into italic or bold, just like you did. Can you please help me? And also how to insert images? I am inserting but its popping "upload failed"

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hey there! We are glad you liked our content! @water31melon

Here are some tips to make your post into italic/bold :

  • Use two Asterisks symbol before and after the text (without any space), you wish to bolden up.
    TEXT (asterisk1asterisk2TEXTasterisk3asterisk4)

  • Use a single underscore symbol before and after the text (without any space), you wish to post in italics.
    TEXT ( underscore1TEXTunderscore2)

  • Steemit has a total of 6 sizes, from 1 to 6, 1 being the largest and 6 the smallest. To convert your text into the largest heading possible, use 1 hashtag before the particular text
    (with space between the hashtag and text).

largest heading

( hashtag1 largest heading )

Similarly use 6 hashtags before the particular text to convert it into the smallest heading.

  • If it says upload failed, try reducing the image size and then insert it by dragging and dropping.

Hope you find this helpful :)