in poem •  8 years ago 

I can't stand those butteflies, i hate them! A sight of a couple inlove makes me cringe. I can't trust anymore. It's not that I don't want to trust- it is just i forgot how to trust.

It's funny how love sounds great. When you young all you can give is love. You love endlessly. But somehow as you get older- you hold back on love. Instead of giving 100% of love to the world ; you start giving 10%. Those 10% means so much to you.


The words I love you can't be said externally but it is said internally instead. You feel exposed when you say it verbally.


Love should be an amazing feeling that is shared among two people. But instead of being amazing it is painful. People are no longer loyal, trustworthy, kind and honest. The older you get- the more you doubt in love. You need love and want love but your emotions can't take it anymore. Too many disappointments and heartbreak has made you broken. An unsuccesful love is like a broken tea cup- even though you have been put together again- your scars remain the same.


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I feel this. Great post