The affliction from a woman

in poem •  6 years ago 


Forever puts the pieces back together.
A world of love and only one entire,
A counting through a thousand years or never,
Holding on until the day of prior.

Alone again today or maybe never.
I wanna spend a second on a prior,
Then a part of you and me together,
Forget about the rest of those entire.


I gotta handle business on my own!
Or maybe write a letter from a prior,
Then a part of me and you alone,
Forget about the rest of ya entire.

Forever happy ever after never.
We only had the hope of most entire,
Use a little love and stay together,
Carry on until the day of prior.


Surrounded by another place or where.
Only passing through the most entire,
I never had a way of standing there,
Holding on until the day of prior.

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