What’s the Point

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)


There is a point
Where all things begin

There is a point
Between all extremes

There is a point
Where all things end


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This is what we have been trying to achieve. When you are raised in a "consume" society, you need to eventually work towards a "produce" mentality in order to balance. I think it is the lack of balance that causes so much mental anguish in people nowadays.

It's a really nice poem. Thank you.

I see we are of like mind on this.

We have reached a paradoxical point in the world where the more you have of material things, the less you have of what really matters.

That looks like the perfect place to search for a bit of balance 🤗

A wet, shady spot in the high desert of Arizona.

It is hard to believe the desert has places so lush. I found the waterholes in the Outback fascinating.

When you walk out of this shady glen you see this...


Oh wow. That is gorgeous!