Leaves That Never Leaves | Retard's Thoughts in Poems

in poetry •  7 years ago 

Welcome to Retard's Thoughts in Poems. This is a poem, letters in lines arranged in stanzas. An original creation from my mind. Within this poem are lessons that came from this heart and these lessons should be remembered.

Leaves That Never Leaves

Letters bound into words and words bound into lines
Letters that means something, letters that shows some signs
These pieces of papers contains different
meaning and stories
These pieces of papers carries sad thoughts and happy memories
Nothing in this world can tell stories like these things do
Nothing in this world can make old stories fresh and new
It can be written by the youth that just bloomed
or the old that smells like cabinet and old perfume
For in this stories are not just scenes that happened in the mind
But these stories are once in a lifetime, something you can't easily find
These papers maybe overwhelmed by nature and the pace of the clock
But the things within these papers are harder than steel, sturdier than a rock
It may take time to learn something from these books
The lessons it contains will always be beautiful, disregarding how it looks


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