Wanna Peek Inside My Head? (There is a poem in there!) *The Devil's In The Details*

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)


Sunny Idaho was sunnier before we got "geo-engineered" all morning
Taken with my Samsung Galaxy cell phone about 15 minutes ago

This is how a song is born, at least in my head. I normally would not put my "rough draft" up but I decided to post the process this time. The decision was made when I realized I had not one scrap of paper down here so I had to write on the computer, so as long as I was on here, might was well make a post of it! I hope to make it an interesting journey, I am going to attempt to write piano and guitar parts for it, and lay it all on different tracks to play with - I have never done anything like that before. Ultimately I hope to polish it up and enter it in the Open Mic.

I suspect the post I made yesterday set something rattling around in the "passion" center of my head. Today, I came to my little project house and as soon as I was in the quiet I started hearing a snippet of a melody that amused me, so I grabbed my guitar and found the chords. As I played the progression a few times, this couplet popped into my brain:

"If its your freedom that you seek west is the wrong way to go
The devil's in the details out in sunny Idaho"
That will be the chorus, it may get another line or two... time will tell. I am never sure what it will look like until I am done!

It will take me a week or so to work out the rest of the melody and the lyrics may get shuffled around along the way. I did not just throw up a completely raw "rough draft" - this is more of a "working draft," it has been edited enough to be something I am OK with putting out there.

The Devil's In The Details

Godfearin' men by will of steel made the wild places tame
When the pioneers were settled in, the politicians came
The eagle soars, the red hawk glides, the sparkling waters flow
But the farmers and the miners and the loggers had to go.

So if its freedom that you seek, west is the wrong way to go.
The devil's in the details out in sunny Idaho.

You cry for wolves, you cry for bees, you cry for little birds
But kids are being bought and sold and you never say a word.
Afraid of what will happen, so you never take a stand
You elect some evil bastard and then try to wash your hands.
When truth and love have slipped away like dust upon the wind
You may wonder how it happened, so I'll tell you once again.

If its your freedom that you seek west is the wrong way to go
The devils in the details out in sunny Idaho

Elected thugs have claimed that they own almost all this land
Like the Hammonds and the Bundys, there's a few who tried to stand
They form a little army, Forest Service and BLM
You want wood to heat or food to eat? You have to go ask them.
A way of life has died here, and all the ghost towns surely show
That the devil's in the details out in sunny Idaho.

If its your freedom that you seek west is the wrong way to go
The devils in the details out in sunny Idaho

They spy on you, they lie to you, they'll repossess your land
If you can't lay the cash across the tax collector's hand.
They're in some marble mansion taking all we ever had
Ignore it, it don't go away, it just gets twice as bad
When nothing's left but slaves in debt and there's nowhere left to run
You missed the red flags waving but you'll see the damage done.

OK, a babynado is in the forecast, I had best get about battening down the hatches.
Thanks for stopping by!


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I love how this type of creativity seems to bring you more alive! Looking forward to progress on this piece. Namaste 🙏

Thank you, sweet lady!

outstanding as always!! (and thanks for your support!)

Thank you for your kind support, as always!

If that's a draft then you should be a songwriter young lady.

Thanks professor, you are too kind!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Thanks to @ecoinstant, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Thanks for a glimpse into your creative process, @fishyculture! I am not a poet nor a musician, but I understand the artistic process...