But this time, my heart is set. This time, my valentine is me.

in poetry •  7 years ago 

I woke up today to this ineffable picture
A beautiful rose sent it to me
It was nothing but a reminder
A reminder for who I must be
Last night I thought she'd known too much
I feared she'd wither away like the rest
But this rose, She only said,
"Only if you try, you will know"
Only if you appreciate your thorns and roses
You can be a part of the bouquet of life
And I'm blooming, I'm learning
Before I give myself away

Yes, it's my appreciation post. There are so many people in my life that need appreciation for handling all my bullcrap and mood swings, unfortunately if I make posts for each one of them, my feed would be filled with just appreciation posts. However, this was something I feel everyone needed to see. So, try. That's what she was trying to tell me and also what I'm trying to tell you in short.


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