Mortals Vs Immortals

in poetry •  7 years ago 

Mortals Vs Immortals

We are humans living in a mortal world
The immortals wish to wish but cannot go
The majestic pleasure to live
We live to feel

Live once

Die once

Before we return our feelings back to the immortals
Waiting for our chance to return

To feel again

Once again...

We change like the seasons
Changing our colors though age

The blue me speaks a youthful truth
The red me acts through my own courage
The yellow me laughs full of energy
The green me engulfed in nature
The orange me endures all elements
The purple me mysterious with magic
The white me gazes into eyes of purity
The black me realizes only on stability

Peering past the shades of death
Symbolizing colors to fitting attributes

Actions provide reaction

Change expands diversity

Learning each through the experience
Cones and rods decipher the code

Battle paint smeared red outlines; wars raged in a bloody mess
Rays reach out with light yellow fingers; warming to touch
Transcending purple; the white rabbit sneers at the midnight hat
Fires rage out of control orange; stripping the land black and bare
Dipping into the ripples; a cool blue ocean provides immediate relief

Expelling all thoughts before embarking; the last journey
Returned to the masters; once believed were there

Energy fades

Take a bow.


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