Poem: Repentance

in poetry •  8 years ago 


The foul smell of death,
the red blood drowning the sand,
the broken bones and shattered lives,
the whimpering cries of man.

In a battlefield lost in time,
for a war lost to history,
the sacrifices to be forgotten,
buried under the greed of mankind.

Fought deep in the mountains,
where no one dares to go
for king, queen and country
to prevent the nation's woe.

I know that fate had led me there,
into the fiery mouth of death.


Was it my destiny,
my purpose to war
for a hundred nights,
and die with a thousand knights?

To die in a meaningless war,
or to live a meaningless life?

Now I stand amidst a thousand souls,
wailing and crying,
even in the cold silence of death,
there is no mercy.

For only after death
is there repentance.

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A nice poem with meaning.
Even at the point of death one can repent.

Powerful poem!
Just a question. Is there a specific battle you're referring to in this poem? Sorry my history is pretty bad x_x

Cool. Terrible and cool at the same time. Did you write this yourself? If so then you really have a talent. Write more as soon as inspiration arises. With great pleasure I will read.

Great poem. I didn't hear it before. Thanks for sharing and really appreciate your effort!


What a powerful poem.


Wow Infinitor, that's beautiful, in a dark kind of way.

I love it. Powerful poem!