The Third Ear

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Episode 102 from Skin on Sundays


Listen as the white moth
listens, with her wings
riding the sound waves.
After all this time
her instinct is nearly
from what arrives
through her ears.

Risk takers are often the most successful among us. And so often, those who take the right risks are the ones that listen also with their third ear instead of just the normal two.

Marina is 40, from Mexico City. She is bold and composed and passionate, a person that jumps in head first and makes things happen. Perhaps it is in part for those reasons that she has been written up in Elle for her forceful role in the fashion industry with Twiggy Fashion Team. When I find out a woman as willful and entrepreneurial and warm (not to mention successful) as her is also the mother of two young boys, I feel like this actually could be the age of equality among genders; with Marina as a role model, those boys will easily grow up to be people with not only compassion and truth and kindness in their souls, but with the understanding that power belongs to everyone who takes it, not just men.

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I don't know the rest of 101 episodes, but this idea is very interesting.

thank you!! they are here: <3