Majestically soaring through the air
resounding cries of power and pride
swooping down, the prey is found,
razor claws sink into that which has died.
And so our legacy begins,
and over the centuries carrion has been consumed.
Tearing down and destroying those who have fallen
and targeting our own when we cannot find them abroad.
viciously we use wars of violence and hatred to promote peace,
and a book of peace to promote violence and hatred.
Churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples
where the gods of creation, love and life were worshiped
have been replaced by stadiums, fields, and race tracks.
We worship the gods of money and power,
granting fame and fortune to athletes and singers,
while starving the educators of our children.
The land of the free.
Free from what?
Free to do what?
This country was built on the backs of immigrants,
built to withstand corruption.
The American Dream was the pinnacle of the world,
and thousands flocked to that beacon.
Now we burn immigrants at the stake,
creating a new beacon
and the American Dream has become a nightmare of corruption.
Home of the brave.
We send our brave all around the world,
to fight people we’ve never met
and when they return,
we condemn them for being sent.
Home of brave ignorance.
"America’s the greatest"
we whisper into the void
shaking back and forth clutching a bottle.
The rest of the world watches with a mixture of pity, loathing, and disgust.
Spending our fortune away on useless shining things
And the newest toys.
We traded our freedoms and our voices to the media
so that we would not have to form our own opinions.
A nation of free zombies, spewing out waste
And calling it gold.
Home to the brave,
where we kill and maim the helpless
in order to protect the invulnerable.
Smile, for you’re always on camera
in the land of the free
and the home of the brave.