in poetry •  7 years ago 

Dancing in whispers to the tunes of black
Black are my eyes and the heart is black
You breathe in my eyes and you twist in my veins
Black is my longing and your smell is black
Distorted and concocted desires and dreams
Your lust is black and my pain is black
Songs of silence wrapped in still of waves
My core is black and your magic is black
My lips are black and my blood is black
Your Red is Black but my Black is Black….


I wrote this little piece a long time back and it has been lying on my drive since.

I was feeling a certain way as much is happening in our country at the moment and in life in general. But the thing about words is that they are open to interpretation, so while this may mean something to me, I am sure it will mean many more things to whoever reads it....

It will be interesting to get different perspectives together. I think sometimes that can help me understand myself better :)

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The fact that you posted these powerfully feeling is a sort of release of soul inside

Yes it means much... Thank you.. was away for a bit, will be more prompt next time:)

Super post

Thanks much :)