Don't let go/ No la sueltes

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)

Do not let go
Shadows go through old paved avenues,
They wear faithfully related masks,
On their way they abandon tired smiles,
And in the crowd a smile shines for me.

It undoes in my hands that mask,
That which conceals the face that I wish to know,
I would wander between centuries without my peace,
If you whisper "fate", that I will believe.

Every breath of mine is set free by your voice,
Don't stay silent, because I want to breathe,
Embrace life even if it goes fast,
Hold me before I collide.

My silhouette moves distantly to yours,
And I feel the cold at every step,
Sing the loneliness and claim me,
But his melody sounds like a failure.

I'm probably awake,
I'm probably still asleep,
You're sleepy when I'm quiet,
The reflection in my staring.

I compose fantasies in the sun,
Utopias fleeting in the middle of the day,
I miss even without having lost,
Longing for his hand to hold mine.

You fade my calm making presence,
Adrenaline flows under the skin; In my veins
I am addicted to the perfume that gives off your essence,
The abyss is infinite if you let me go.

The light will vanish if you don't look at me,
My watch would stop if you say goodbye today,
I would make the past my present if you still smile there,
If you whisper "together", no doubt I'll go.

Dream that never leaves my hand,
I trust in the words: "I will never let you go,"
Tell me with caresses that today I don't love in vain,
Shout me in a kiss that you will always love me.

No la sueltes…

Sombras desfilan viejas avenidas pavimentadas,
Llevan máscaras fielmente afines entre sí,
A su andar abandonan sonrisas cansadas,
Y en la multitud una sonrisa brilla para mí.

Se deshace entre mis manos ese antifaz,
Ése que oculta el rostro que deseo conocer,
Vagaría entre siglos prescindiendo de mi paz,
Si susurras “destino”, eso voy a creer.

Cada aliento mío lo libera tu voz,
No calles, pues quiero respirar,
Abrazar la vida aunque vaya veloz,
Sujetarme antes de colisionar.

Mi silueta se mueve distante a la tuya,
Y se siente frío a cada paso,
Canta la soledad y me reclama suya,
Pero su melodía suena como a fracaso.

Seguramente estoy despierta,
Probablemente sigo dormida,
Eres sueño cuando estoy quieta,
El reflejo en mi mirada perdida.

Compongo fantasías a sol escondido,
Utopías pasajeras a mitad del día,
Extraño aun sin haber perdido,
Anhelando que tu mano sujete la mía.

Desvaneces mi calma haciendo presencia,
Fluye la adrenalina bajo la piel; entre mis venas,
Soy adicta al perfume que desprende tu esencia,
Es infinito el abismo si me sueltas.

Se esfumaría la luz si no miras hacia mí,
Mi reloj se detendría si te despides hoy,
Haría del pasado mi presente si aún sonríes allí,
Si susurras “juntos”, sin duda a ti voy.

Sueño que nunca abandonas mi mano,
Confío en las palabras: “jamás la voy a soltar”,
Dime con caricias que hoy no amo en vano,
Grítame en un beso que siempre me vas a amar.

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Very well written! Upvoted and Followed!
We of @poetrytrail are always looking for quality content like yours! Hope you will hop on too and take part in our poetry and story writing events, it would be a shame if we couldn’t share this great writing with more of the community!

Thank you for your invitation, I'm going to enter the contest and hope that many people in the community will enjoy this.