in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)


THE Black Death, or Black Plague, swept through Europe in the mid 1300's killing between 40-60% of the population. Some villages, monasteries, and towns suffered upwards of 80% population loss. No one is quite sure how many people died but most agree it was around 50 million people in Europe alone and as many as 200 million world wide. It was a horrendous catastrophe that still haunts the minds and genetic memories of Europeans.



Really, I'm not kidding. The modern day enthrallment with zombies began in Europe in the late 1970's. Most accounts about the subject indicate that zombies originated with African cultures that practiced Voodoo. I have another view, however. I believe our version of the walking dead came from the Black Death.

Here is my theory: in those times, in Europe, the common dominant religion was Catholicism. People considered hell to be a very real place. And who can blame them, for many of them lived in the equivalent of hell on earth. The only way to avoid going to hell after death was to first be baptized and upon imminent death to be given last rights by a Priest. Also, at the time of the Black Death, there was essentially no understanding of the source of the plague or its cure. There was a great deal of what we call superstition.

I think in that terrible, hideous time of overwhelming death it would not be uncommon to see legions of the near-dead stumbling, groping, staggering down the streets trying to make it to the local Catholic Church or Cathedral in hopes of some miracle cure or at the very least to die under the hand of a Priest offering last rights. The near-dead were covered with black buboes (open pustulating wounds), they reeked of diarrhea, they vomited blood and other fluids, and frequently had darkened hands and always were dreadful in appearance. Can you imagine what it must have been like to see these souls staggering down the streets? They must have appeared like our modern version of Zombies!


I have seen myself in dream-like visions as a boy during the Black Death. My parents had already perished. My brother and I were the only survivors. Perhaps these "visions' were genetic memories or perhaps I received them by some other means but they were so precise and repetitive that I tend to believe I was the soul they depicted. So pronounced and vivid were the images that I have written a poem about it. I wonder though, do we live past lives? Did you live during the Black Death? If so, perhaps this is the origin of your fear/connection to zombies.


I know many of you run at the first hint of the word "poem". But this is different. I think you'll be able to "get it" without too much problem. The scene is in a city...I get the sense it is in France somewhere. Perhaps Paris. The first snowfall of the year is happening. The city is quiet. Zombies are staggering down the streets to die in heaps before the alters of churches. Come with me into this dark vision.


By Mistermercury
A dream of the Black Death that ravaged Europe.

Frozen stones wept sheets of water
Vomited from gargoyles
Looming on the walls.

My brother and I, in desperate embrace,
Shivered beneath a hidden arch,
Filthy in our rags,
Praying the Holy Mother
Would save us.

When the bells stopped tolling
The Fathers whom we had loved,
Fled Death,
And with kicks and whips and black tongues
Screeched us away from their carriage.

Terrified souls staggered down the streets
Like a putrid river
And washed up a writhing
Blood, vomit and pus soaked flotsam
Beneath the sacred altar
To moan and die in heaps.

We climbed above them into a cavern of timbers
And found a blind man with rope-calloused hands
Who fed us apples, dried fish, and crusts.

He gently bathed us with a cloth
Before a small hearth,
Flames flickering our skin,
Warm water pooling in the basin at our feet;
And clothed us in clean garments.

An owl called beneath the eves
And I was afraid.
She is our friend,
She protects us
, he said.
We slept that night beneath her wings
Safe in his bed.

In the morning standing among the gargoyles,
Their hard stone eyes gazing upon a muted city
Somber in cold dirty white
And twisting smokes,
The man laid his hand upon my shoulder,
And I wept.
I wept for the dead.
I wept for God.

After a time he gently asked,
What do you see boy?
It snowed during the night sir.
Are there people in the streets?
Only a few dogs.
(ravaging the dead)
And do you see God?
God, sir?
Yes, do you see Him?
Confused, I said,
No, I do not see Him.
I looked to my brother,
He shook his head,
Eyes wide.
He did not see God either.

There was silence,
Then the man spoke,
God is certainly here.
I looked more closely,
But did not see.
There was no God here
Or anywhere.

The man looked out over the city
A breeze touched his whisping hair,
And with milky eyes
He saw things
We did not.

God is here boys.
He said in a quiet voice.
He is in all of this.
Ah, well…
Enough for now

He took our cold hands
Leading us inside
Where he told us stories of a farm,
A dappled gray horse,
His mother,
Green heavy vines,
Juice running down his neck…

My brother and I slipped into those
Warm summer fields
And slept,
Gently dreaming sweet visions of earth.

The sun risen, we stepped up into the bell tower
And our friend spoke,
Let us ring the bells
For those who are consumed with fear
And cannot see,
Perhaps we can give them hope

My brother and I pulled the ropes
And flew into the air

Many blessings, Mistermercury27459094_1731040416954460_8110938635129439225_n.jpg


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That's an interesting dream/vision, zombies for sure in my opinion.
I have not seen if I was there in the black plague. Perhaps just before or just after as I remember seeing cobblestone roads and gas lights.

The Black Death occurred between 1347 and 1352 in Europe, but came from Asia where it had been going on for quite some time. The Black Death was active in Europe for the rest of the 1300's but came back even in the mid 1600's and decimated London. Gas lights, as far as I know, did not appear in Europe until the early 1800's.

Many blessings.

Gas lighting didn't come into vogue in Europe until the early 1800s, but the Chinese were using it, via bamboo pipes, from approximately 500 BC onward.

And in Europe, prior to gas lighting, most outdoor lighting was fueled by oils, including everything from olive and sesame oil to whale oil, and to the unpracticed eye they would have been indistinguishable from gas lights.

Public lighting using oil lamps began as early as the 1400s in certain areas, and was widespread - and mandated - by the 1600s.

And yes, I'm a serious history nerd. ;-)

As grandpa used to say, " Well, shut my mouth!" I've heard the two things that really changed history were sewers and garbage collection.

No doubt to both.

And we have the Romans to thank for sewers. Some say the ancient Greeks, but there is disagreement, and most agree that, even in Greece, those sewers that still exist date from Roman times.

I can only imagine what Paris and London were like before sewers, and it's not a pleasant thought. The descriptions from back in the day were uniformly pretty foul.

That was always one of the things that fascinated me about Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas, 70 miles due west of Key West, and the Florida Keys, and the largest masonry structure ever constructed in the New World. Some sources say it is second only to the Great Wall of China, though that statistic I question.

16 million bricks, and it was never even completed, because they realized midway through that they had overweighted the coral island it was built upon, which was collapsing beneath its weight.

They had built a system of brick cisterns around the base, to hold fresh water for the soldiers stationed there, only to discover that most of them cracked and allowed salt water intrusion, rendering them useless.

Similarly, they had designed the fort to have the tides flush the waste away from the fort twice a day, only to discover belatedly that the tides did no such thing, leaving a stinking mess surrounding the fort, creating a breeding ground for disease. Ah, the Army Corps of Engineers, at it again.

Needless to say, Fort Jefferson was considered to be among the worst military duty possible, despite its naturally gorgeous location. Trust it to the U.S. military to screw up even paradise. ;-)

During the Civil War it was used as a prison, and its most famous inmate was Dr. Samuel Mudd, who had set the leg of John Wilkes Booth, following his assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Dr. Mudd was imprisoned for his efforts, despite zero evidence ever being brought that he had known Booth prior, or had any inkling of his involvement in Lincoln's assassination.

So, basically, ny doctor Booth sought out would have suffered the same fate. No justice in any real sense.

Notwithstanding, when yellow fever hit the fort, a situation made far worse by the sewage situation, and prisoners and soldiers alike began dropping like flies, Dr. Mudd distinguished himself through his selfless efforts to save all those affected, and was ultimately commended for his efforts; ultimately, through the efforts of his wife and those at Fort Jefferson whom he treated, he was granted a full pardon.

Well, very fascinating history. I ponder about such things as these and about the condition of the souls in Europe during the Black Death. Were we to be transported back to those days I think we'd be stunned by the stink and filth. There is even reference to the Kings Palace in Paris during the 1500's as being filthy. People crapped in corners and under stairs and things. Well... obviously not my ancestors. They all brushed their teeth and bathed regularly... at least once a year!

Yes, I agree, for a modern to go back to more ancient times would be a rude awakening indeed, not to mention that our immune systems would likely not be up to the task, being so used to proper sanitation, and modern luxuries such as refrigeration.

We would likely be simultaneously exposing them to all manner of new (to them) germs, with obvious consequences, and devastating results.

Butterfly Effect indeed.

Paris as a whole had the reputation of widespread filth, as did London, and really any city with a large, concentrated population.

They simply had no real means of keeping it clean, nor was it considered a priority, when there were wars to be fought and new lands to be annexed.

Public health and safety weren't even on the radar yet.

Ah so maybe it was the 1800's. I failed to know the approximate years to my dream. And just like yours it was so vivid and real. I had that dream many years ago and I still remember the details.

Very interesting.

I too have had similar dreams/visions, and like you, I'm not certain whether they are "my" memories, or whether I am simply tapping into the collective conscious. But several have been recurring, so clearly I have greater identification with some periods and locales over others.

As just one example, I have always been very drawn to ancient Greece, and I've always had more of an antipathy toward ancient Rome, even though I have memories/visions of having been both Greek and Roman, at various times, and of having been both male and female.

That said, having a fair knowledge of European history in the time of the plagues, I find your theory of the advent of the zombie mythos to be entirely credible and even likely.

And zombie-like creatures occur in many cultures, all over the world, and have never been restricted to African voodoo practices, as much as some people would choose to make it so.

Thanks again for a very interesting read.

My first experience with actual zombies came from my teenaged boys when I attempted to get them up for work some summer mornings.

LOLOL!!! Sounds like my stepkids when they visited us on vacation. Teens will be teens. ;-)