in poetry •  7 years ago 


The sounds of key presses make a frantic hurried tapping.

The words eagerly form from the vapid void to cohesive prose.

But vitriol drips lazily from the piercing dagger my reply has become.

The waking echoes of keys once hurriedly pressed now hail the inevitable click of a reply discarded.

The hastily written work was casually cathartic.

But its purpose perverted from a well-intentioned righting of wrong,

To a falsely righteous and wholly scathing, incitefully inflammatory taunt.

Its posting now would pose a problem worse than it purports to correct.

Worse still, it would close hearts and minds and irreparably rend what it sought to repair.

So I'll swallow that bitter pride and look for another way,

Because a solution is more important than being right.

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Wow....that sounds like......facebook.

I think it's every social media platform large group of people engaging in not-face-to-face dialog ever.

nice piece, fella-me-lad. quite impressive, really.