Let it rain;
Let down the rain of restoration,
Let down the healing rain
That our ill land may be healed
And our hope may be restored.
Tears everywhere,
Death everywhere,
Gnashing of teeth now an ubiquitous event;
As hunger strikes heavily with no trace of mercy
And there is nothing to hold on to for survival.
The strong are presently far from strength,
The giants are in their hideout
Leaders fights for the safety of their life.
What will the powerless civilians do?
How can civilians survive this current pandemic season?
Stay indoors,
Stay save,
Health is wealth.
Day after day money and food fades away like a burning candle,
Are we supposed to keep staying indoors till when our resources vanish like the morning stars?
Our land is presently in ill state,
Our sources of income is currently down,
And our emotion is currently in sad mode.
Why not give everyone the chance to replenish their resources?
That our ill land may not result to ill life before we are able to heal our land.
30TH APRIL, 2020