Ideologues, Activists and the Theater of the Absurd + "The" ... a poemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in poetry •  6 years ago  (edited)

Plato & Aristotle 

Reductio Ad Absurdum

Reductio ad absurdum, in Latin, means "reduction to absurdity." 

The concept dates back to before Socrates, and Aristotle made a big deal about it when discussing logic. It would seem that resorting to absurdity is a well-traveled road for human beings wishing to hold onto illogical beliefs in the face of contradictory evidence and common sense. 

Here on Steemit, one often hears the argument: 

"Well, quality is subjective." 

Which is, of course, true. But it's also a cop out. Context matters.

If a $1,000 post featuring a can of tuna and entitled, "Mmmm," engenders yet another tirade against bidbots, some enlightened mind can be counted upon to trot out the, "Well, quality is subjective" argument, as if, perhaps, said can of tuna, and its entitlement, was honestly anyone's idea of art or articulation. The idea, I suppose, is that reducing such an exemplar of Reward Pool rape to a philosophical assertion, will somehow lessen the egregiousness of the crime and thereby negate the need to do anything about it.     

Rational & Irrational Numbers ... and the Unreality of Reality 

In mathematics, numbers can be categorized into groups of numbers possessing certain qualities. 

For example, a number can be either Rational or Irrational. (As yours truly is a poet, you might wish to start thinking about "double entendres" so as to get ahead of the argument.)

Without wading into the weeds of middle school math, a Rational Number is any number that can be expressed as a quotient or fraction of two integers and which, in decimal form, either terminates or begins to repeat. 

For example: 1/2 = 0.5 (the numbers terminate)
1/3 = 0.33333... (the 3 repeats forever). 

Contrarily, an Irrational Number, in decimal form, never ends and never repeats. 

Perhaps the most famous Irrational Number is pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's diameter. Said another way, if you take the distance around the outside of a circle (circumference), and divide it by the distance from one side to the other (diameter), you always get a fixed ratio: pi >>> 3.1415... 

Pi goes on forever, and never repeats, and that's what makes it Irrational.

Of course, there are those who always have to be difficult. 

"No thing can ever really be known and therefore there are no Absolute Truths. How do you know pi goes on forever and never repeats?"

And so, we stick pi in a computer and run it out to a hundred decimal places. 

"Well, how do you know it doesn't end or repeat at 101?" 

And so, we run it out to a thousand decimal places. Same retort. And so a million decimal places. And then a billion. Recently, a Japanese super-computer ran pi out to a trillion decimal places. No termination or repeating. 

"Well, how do you know it doesn't repeat at a trillion and one?"

Technically speaking, the objectors are correct. Because numbers go on forever, you can never absolutely prove that adding one more wouldn't negate pi being an Irrational Number. But this process of "infinite regression" could be applied to anything and it's what Aristotle was complaining about ... technical arguments that result in self-evident absurdities.

Obsession with semantics creates the pedantic, and the pedantic precludes having an intelligent conversation about anything. Nothing is ever real or unreal. People with such proclivity will insist a thing is true even when the overwhelming preponderance of the evidence suggests that it is not. It is a hallmark of "ideological thinking," about which, alas, I find myself writing extensively.

It's Becoming a Cultural Phenomenon 

Steemit is but a microcosm of the world-at-large. At some point in the not-so-distant past, a non-trivial portion of society decided that they'd go for broke. When they claim that "nothing can ever be known for certain," they mean NOTHING.

"Unicorns and centaurs don't, and have never, existed."
"How do you know for certain? Ancient literature is replete with references to both."

It's true, we don't know for "absolute certain." Indeed, here's a song from my childhood that explains precisely what happened to the unicorns.

As so, given this most recent propensity for torturing logic, we now have an "infinite number of genders." Of course, there's not an iota of evidence supporting such an assertion and there's a mountain of evidence contradicting it. Human beings, like all mammals, are sexually dimorphic ... we reproduce via male/female coupling. And, for the entire history of the English language, one's "sex" and "gender" were synonymous. No more. Some genius professor of Gender Studies decided that no, "sex" is biological while "gender" is merely a "social construct." 

How did he/she/it (never assume anyone's gender) stumble upon this paradigm-upending insight? Metaphysical musings. Case closed.

And, despite the 100+ easily identifiable physiological differences between male and female brains, as described in every medical textbook on the planet ... did you know that there is actually NO DIFFERENCE between male and female brains? And did you know that quoting page numbers of the aforementioned medical textbooks in protest, makes you a misogynistic sexist (and probably a Nazi too).

There's a now-politically-incorrect expression that we used to often hear: "Men and women's brains are just wired differently." Well, quite literally, they are: Here is a picture of the Connectome (source: The Independent), a map of how neurons are connected to one another in both men and women's brains:

This is no trivial matter. Synaptic connections are at the very core of how brains function. 

And those classical Greek sculptures of naked men and women ... most people easily identify them as being "art." Some number of fellows, over a span of centuries, spent an inordinate amount of time carving them out of marble, one chisel stroke at a time, in elevation of the human form. Similarly, most people can readily identify, "Debbie Does Dallas" as "pornography" by the title alone. Similarities in subject matter are distinguished between using context.

Source: Venus de Milo

Source: Debbie Does Dallas

But not the ideologically-possessed pedantics. They argue that everything is subjective and that any perceived qualitative differences are but mirages, cognitive deceptions perpetrated, and perpetuated, by an Oppressor Class upon the brainwashed masses. To what end that such a conspiracy is waged is never explained other than an amorphous, yet still strident, allegation of tyranny.  

Everyone's "Normal"

One of the central motivations that drives such thinking is the "equalization of everything." If there are no "rights," then there can be "no wrongs" ... and hence, every kind of belief and behavior, a priori, is equally valid. If there's "no normal," than "no one can be abnormal" ... and hence, ethically, everyone must be treated the same, irrespective of circumstance.

But the employment of even a modicum of common sense tells us that none of this is true. Indeed, that it's drivel. 

People are very different. Individuals have a wide spectrum of strengths and weaknesses, interests and aptitudes, likes and dislikes. And, some of those differences fall along easily-identifiable fault lines such as gender. Categorization by characteristics is not a crime, but merely an observation of facts. But the pedantically predisposed use semantics to try to cripple critical thinking. And the primary weapon in their war on reason is the control of language. 

Let's examine the word, "normal" in context of a "Bell Curve of Normal Distribution."

A succinct definition from Investopedia:

A bell curve is the most common type of distribution for a variable, and due to this fact, it is known as a normal distribution. The term "bell curve" comes from the fact that the graph used to depict a normal distribution consists of a bell-shaped line. The highest point on the curve, or the top of the bell, represents the most probable event in a series of data, while all other possible occurrences are equally distributed around the most probable event, creating a downward-sloping line on each side of the peak.
Standard deviations are calculated after the mean is calculated and represent a percentage of the total data collected. For example, if a series of 100 test scores are collected and used in a normal probability distribution, 68% of the 100 test scores should fall within one standard deviation above or below the mean. Moving two standard deviations away from the mean should include 95% of the 100 test scores collected, and moving three standard deviations away from the mean should represent 99.7% of the 100 test scores. Any test scores that are extreme outliers, such as a score of 100 or 0, would be considered long-tail data points and lie outside of the three standard deviation range.

Image Source, Wikipedia:

"Normal" is a statistical average and "normality" describes those data points that closely cluster around such average.   

As long as the Bell Curve applies to economics, finance or high school test scores, no one in their right mind objects to its use in graphically representing "patterns within reality," and to those patterns, assigning meaning. We could, for example, plot the post-payouts of Steemians by wallet size and everyone would undoubtedly find such graphical illustration informative (and probably infuriating).

But as soon as we apply those same statistical tools to issues relating to LGBT, male/female differences, race, IQ, etc., people start losing their minds. 

"The statistics lie. Bell Curves are a tool of the Oppressors." 

But understanding the nature of reality, and being able to accurately articulate its characteristics, is critically important to critical thinking, and for that matter, solving problems.

Statistically, being straight is "normal" (96.5% of the population) and being LGBT is "abnormal" (3.5% of the population). This is self-evident to anyone with eyes. And yet, many activists will insist that "being gay is every bit as 'normal' as being straight." But it's not if you can count. The activists are merely attempting to contort, for ideological purposes, what the word "normal" means. Accurately representing reality is not an act of prejudice, and misrepresenting it, is not an act of moral superiority. The former is an effort to reflect Truth, while the latter, an attempt to manufacture it.

The same could be said for IQ, essentially a measure of the speed with which a person can mentally manipulate abstract ideas and information. This is referred to as General Intelligence, or "g," in academic circles. Simply, some people are better at dealing with abstractions than others. Such fact is obvious from observations in everyday life. And yet, the ideologues have launched a jihad against IQ. 

"It's not accurate. It's prejudiced against the socio-economically disadvantaged or those who grew up in a household where less sophisticated language was spoken." 

But it's not true. 

Hundreds of millions of IQ tests have been administered over a century, and in almost every country on the planet. In psychology, and indeed all of science, one would be hard-pressed to find any body of research that utilizes a larger sample size. And, IQ tests that don't employ language at all (they use figures, shapes and diagrams) result in outcomes nearly identical to those of their verbal counterparts. 

Confronted with such overwhelming evidence, the ideologues started inventing adjectives to distort the meaning of the word "intelligence." 

"Well, General IQ is only one measure of intelligence. There's also Emotional Intelligence, Naturalist Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Existential Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Linguistic Intelligence, Spatial Intelligence, Intra-Personal Intelligence, etc." 

Now everyone gets to be a "genius" at something. That last gem, Intra-Personal Intelligence, is all about being "self-smart." It's hard to imagine anyone not doing well on that test.  

"Mr. Quill, what is your name?
"100% correct. You are a genius."

The chanting of the now-religious-like mantras "Diversity" and "Inclusivity" begins, and everyone's suddenly qualified, and entitled, to attend Harvard. 

The problem is what happens when they get there: The kids with "General Intelligence" 3-4 standard deviations above normal, otherwise referred to as valedictorians, are going to murder those with a similar outstandingness in "Existential Intelligence." The Existentialists eventually drop out, feeling like utter failures and with their self-esteem in tatters. Had they instead attended a college that taught at a level commensurate with their IQ, they would have had a much better chance of success, as they would have been competing against their intellectual peer-group.   

These other "so-called intelligences" are what we used to call aptitudes or talents or personality traits. But the activists, as the High-Priests of the Theater of the Absurd, decided they needed to co-opt and contort the meaning of the word "intelligence," just as they did with the word "gender," thereby making the terms meaningless ... but everyone "equal," despite the evidence of their "inequality."

The Emperor Has No Clothes

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this phenomenon is that, like the townspeople in the famous children's fable, "The Emperor Has No Clothes," most people remain silent in face of such self-evident silliness for fear of being "politically incorrect." And hence, sensibilities, absent of sense, are being incorporated in school curricula and embedded into laws and cultural mores.

We all know it's nonsense, but pretend as if it weren't.  

A Special Treat ... History in the Making

As a poet, I have become concerned by the ever-spiraling "genres of poetry." If your artistic creation involves words in anything other than a grammatically and syntactically correct sentence (prose), you're now a "poet." 

Instead of fighting it though, I've decided to join the party. 

I am, therefore, here-and-now, announcing a new genre of poetry called, "Misspelled Preposition Poetry." 

Below is the first poem of the genre, entitled, "The":

You may have noticed that in the poem I misspelled the word "the," and "the" is a preposition ... hence the name of the genre. The (no pun intended) creativity required to extract meaning from the mundane is what makes me an "artiste" and my work what is commonly referred to as an artistic tour de force. Which is French, and therefore important.

Soon, I anticipate that millions will be quoting, verbatim, my poem in their everyday writings, including a plethora of non-spell-checked Steemit posts. Respecting the latter, if you'd like to quote my poem, please do, but there will be a small copyright royalty of 1 SBD per usage. You may deposit your royalty payment directly into my wallet.

@poetsunited, @angelveselinov, @trumanity, @madevi ... as I have just invented a new "genre of poetry," I would hope that you would consider featuring my seminal piece in the @dailydose. I am available for author interviews at your convenience.

Remember ... poetry is subjective.


You guys know the drill. Be verbose ... but articulate. 

And remember ...      

Go Love A Starving Poet  

For God's sake ... they're starving!  

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Without wading into the weeds of middle school math - LOL! You are a gold mine of good one-liners. Your writing is so erudite, I almost have to believe the hears/here's usage is intentional: Here on Steemit, one often ((here's)) the argument:
I love hearing a conversational tone sneaking into academia - e.g.
The concept dates back to before Socrates, and Aristotle made a big deal about it when discussing logic.
Ha! I love it.
Now, to wade past the weeds of the math, and finish reading....


You know what's a bloody good word ... "erudite." We don't use it enough.

The "here's" is a typo. Thank you, I will fix it tout suite.

Your writing is so erudite

You hear that @old-guy-photos ... my writing is "erudite" ... "learned, scholarly, educated, knowledgeable, well read, well informed, intellectual, intelligent, clever, academic, literary, bookish, highbrow, sophisticated, cerebral, brainy" ... straight out of the dictionary.

It's not "eclectic, verbose and random"... and Carol did not need to resort to quantum physics to comprehend it.

Thank you Carol.


Dang. Something tells me I have to start flattering this mysterious entity known as @old-guy-photos who apparently has a vendetta against the innocent apostrophe... how to appease the "old guy," if he's so xenophobic with punctuation... next, he'll accuse me of too many ellipses and maybe threaten to impose Carl Kane's Law: all writers should be alloted only six exclamation points per lifetime - not per page, not per book -- squuueeeee!!! (Yes, my name is Carol Kean, pronounced Kane, but I never met Carl, and he has since died, but I loved his "Write Right" newspaper column on correct usage of English, the abused language.)

Well its (ok I guess I have to play along "it's") more a question of being lazy rather than xenophobic. Being a moderately slow typist cant can't we just leave off the precious ' ??? I mean after all, we all know what the word means without it. Just think of all the electronic storage wasted on ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' lol.

BTW, I have it on good authority, flattery will get you everywhere ;) Its It's kind of an inside joke, but still rings true!

@old-guy-photos & @carolkean,

Carol ... Old Guy. Old Guy ... Carol.

Carol, don't let him fool you. About a week ago ... the Old Guy wrote a poem!!! (There's half my lifetime allotment so you know it's a big deal.) We'll make him one us whether he likes it or not.


'Tis true, there's nothin' like flattery to get our needs met. Go on, tell me more about my good authority. Oh wait. You ain't said nuthin yet about my erudition and authority. I've a good mind to .... follow ya anyhoo!


You ain't said nuthin yet about my erudition and authority.

WOMAN ... I gave you co-creatorship of an entire genre of poetry. Your erudition is implied:

... Keep scrolling up: @carolkean and I have been collaborating on Ambiguous Contraction Poetry


Poetry? Me not poet. You are Sole Authority there, Mr. Quill on Fire! What dreaded punishment is it, accusing me of collaborating on Ambiguous Contraction Poetry (good Lord, after laboring and delivering three offspring, "contraction" is a dirty word) -- ohhhh. Contractions necessitate APOSTRPOPHES. What if @old-guy-photos is actually a woman who's endured CONTRACTIONS?


Well, Carol, you've got a point there that, to be perfectly honest, I hadn't considered. Perhaps @old-guy-photos is actually a woman. You should, we're told, "never assume anyone's gender."

And, it would explain some "anomalous behavior" I've noticed from time to time.

As a woman, "she" would not be, perhaps, the shiniest of diamonds. But, then again, perhaps, I'm being superficial. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?

So, what do you think? Here's "Old Gal" looking ... a bit butch. But ... butch, like beauty, is subjective.

Belle of the Ball?

old guy.JPG


What do you think @dswigle ... you two have been girlfriends forever?


Oh man, I need to scroll DOWN, I been missin' stuff!

Hmm, I have long known poets are from another dimension, not Im thinking of checking writers into the same group as well lol.

PS I bet you knew what Im means without the added ' lol.


Methinks the Old Guy doth protest too much. The Old Guy is surrounded by poets ... just a happy coincidence? I think not.


That one is a classic!

Ok free association:

Heisenberg uncertainty principle

Grading on the curve.

Careful, land mines!

OMG eclectic, verbose and random.

I hope those millions of fans come voting up your posts. Hopefully you will remember the Old Guy when you get big.

Will you join me in my campaign to eliminate the apostrophe. I mean if we have to type it all the damn time, what is the point of abbreviating!

What on Earth did I just read LOL. If they ever fork this to pay by the word, you my friend, will soon be a whale!

Apostrophes are not the problem. People who misuse them are. And how about
hyphen incorrectly added after an -ly word? politically-incorrect is INCORRECT!
It's gramatically incorrect to hyphenate politically incorrect.
I'm more than half a century old, and I will also defend the.... gasp... Oxford Comma no matter what the AP Stylebook has to say about that.
I should be writing, not debating correct or incorrect writing...


I think you and I are going to get along well (not "good," Old Guy, "well"). Unlike the other baboons with their whoops and hollers ... you, too, are erudite. And, for the record, I was only kissing up to @old-guy-photos about the apostrophe thing. He was my mentor and so I feel I owe him simple sentences. :-)

He makes fun of my verbosity all the time. What do you think?


Verbosity for fun and self-indulgent pleasure is the stuff of some classics (Humbert Humbert, Dorian Gray?), but only a precious few writers can be entrusted with this privilege. So far, so good! Actors emote, and erudite writers verbote! (Er, something like that!)


... and erudite writers verbote!

I wish their audiences would upvote.


Um... we have audiences? Who reads verbose writers these days?


People who know what the word, "erudite" means.


Of course!
Are there enough of the erudites to upvote Quill on Fire?

Who is this oddbot whose one vote is worth 11 cents?
I am envious! I want to spread SBD and...
um, that kinda sounded too much like STD.
Never mind - I wanna spread SBD like a dairy princess tossing out candy in a parade!


@oddbot ... a really good guy ... who ought to be a Witness.


@oddbot is a guy, not a bot?
I feel like Dorothy in Oz.
How to keep track of all you characters!
So, who else deserves my vote as a Witness... I've lost track of that too!


@oddbot is a real person, not a bot. Odd, isn't it? :-) High IQ, a good guy and an excellent content creator/supporter. I'm actually going to try to talk him into becoming a Witness. I'd write a damnably fine poem for the occasion.

I'm also toying with the idea of deleting all my Witness votes and starting all over again from zero. This time, when I voted for a Witness, I'd publish an extremely detailed post explaining precisely why I voted for that person/group.

On each such post, I'd include the list of my existing Witnesses with a hyperlink back to the explanation for having chosen them. And hence, an ever-expanding QuillFire Witness List.

We've got to start getting serious about the Witnesses. The Top 20 have tremendous power to effect how the blockchain operates ... or doesn't. It isn't sufficient that they're "nice guys" or that they "created a snazzy new front end" or that they're "involved with the community."

  1. I want to see business acumen. I want to see a commitment to Steemit, not just STEEM (and SMT's). I want to see that they understand people, not just code ... it is, after all, a "social media platform."

  2. I want to see communication skills, both an ability to articulate complex ideas, and a willingness to do so.

  3. I want to see some gray hair. As a 50-year-old who has lived, traveled to, or worked in 57 countries, been wounded three times in combat and started/managed several businesses, I hope I can be forgiven for not being convinced that 20- and 30-somethings "have seen it all." Wisdom is more about "knowing what not to do," as evidenced by scars, than it is about "knowing what to do," as conceived by conjecture.

  4. Most importantly, I want to see support for Steemit's Central Premise, that: Content Shall Be Compensated Commensurate With Its Quality. Besides strong support for quality content creators, this also means strong support for manual curators, as they are as important to the process as are quality content providers.

  5. As all this will require push-back from time to time, I also want to see someone with a bit of steel in their spine.

  6. And ... it wouldn't hurt if they loved Billy Joel and the Eagles.



The apostrophe ... YOU NOTICED THAT TOO! Great minds.

Pay-by-the-word ... music to my ears. In a month, I'd own this place. BTW, I noticed you didn't "quote my poem" ... cheapskate.

"Logic" has become "land mines" ... and that, I submit, is a bad development. When people can't talk about their differences, or when they engage in endless rhetoric when they do, problems never get solved. Indeed, they tend to get worse. Magical thinking makes one susceptible to sleights-of-hand.



I have no issues with your new genre. In fact, I may write my own misspelled preposition poem. But a single word can't be a poem. Imagine if everyone in the world just wrote single word poems. Here is my poem titled "A":


What an elaborate anti-diversity literary farce it would be. "i", by "Me":


Oops, and on that one the poet didn't even bother to capitalize the word, distinguishing it from the much more superior poem "I" by "The other Me":


If you're going to misspell prepositions and call it a poem, the least you could do is surround your prepositions with nouns and verbs, subjects and predicates, and not make it so obvious.

Cordially but Logically, your best friend (so says I),



"i", by "Me"

Block, that's actually kinda ... good ... as far as Misspelled Preposition and/or Correctly Spelled Pronoun Poetry goes. In fact, I think it may be the most clever poem of the genre.

Quill :-)

In teh land of teh blind teh one eyed man is king


3 SBD mate. :-)



It's your choice. Like being a boy. My apologies if that forces your squareness into a circle-ness (subjective spelling, so it's all good). No one's disappointed, everyone's happy, life is great.

Remember Huxley's Brave New World ?

It's here!

Smile dammit.


I checked my wallet ... no one's paying me my royalty! No one. And they're quoting my poem, verbatim, all over the place! Especially on Trending!

You're right, "Brave New World" is an excellent analogy. I've always thought it felt like the prequel to Orwell's "1984." It's been ~35 years since I read it. Maybe it's time to head down to the library and pick up a copy. I recently re-read 1984 and it meant a lot more as an adult. Frighteningly prophetic.


One of those books, btw, had a torture scene where rats would eat a guy's eyeballs, and I don't even want to remember which book it was (or maybe some other future dystopian fiction).
Animal Farm, though, I'd read again, because I love Boxer so much. But I stop reading while Boxer is alive and well, put the book aside, and rewrite the ending. Boxer leads a rebellion! Boxer LIVES and the pigs become BACON!


The rats and eyeballs ... that's Orwell's "1984." Animal Farm ... I grew up on a horse farm. What happened to poor Ol' Boxer seriously traumatized me too. Too traumatized to rewrite anything. I like your ending much better.


@carolkean, the rats and eyeballs was 1984; that scene has stuck with me since high school and was always a "big deal" when I was teaching that novel to my own students many years later!

Hooray for Boxer too! Imagining him being driven away, each time I read that novel, left such a sad hole in my heart!

"It's only fiction," my husband says, but it isn't, because the truth is best told in the guise of fiction. Torture scenes and exploited, overworked animals (and people!) as loyal and eager to please as Boxer.... gaaahhhh!!!
Back to the football game. Now THAT is fiction, as far as I'm concerned. :)

Sure! But if you view the bell from a different angle, there is no curve, just a big hole. Why, I do declare that you are positively ideologically-undernourished!


You know, your comment actually gave me an idea. How about a Discord Channel called ... "The Patriarchy." Since they're convinced one exists, let's give 'em one. We'll sell t-shirts and coffee mugs.

We'll flip a coin to see who gets to be the Grand Pooba.

Earlier today, my daughter and I went grocery shopping. Half an hour of her bossing me around and telling me what I get to eat and what I don't. She made me buy a shampoo that smells like a "spring glade." I put my foot down on "body-wash"... give me a bar of soap or I'm not showering.

I love it when girls smell like a spring glade. Me, I want to smell like a gladiator.

Ah!... we could sell a shampoo called, "Gladiator" on "The Patriarchy" Discord Channel.

Tag Line:

Hey Buck ... Don't Smell Like Bambi.


Arrgh ... mixed metaphors ... what do you think? I'm open to suggestions.

How about a SMT called PatriarChoin?

Post a video of your refusing to watch a romantic comedy ... upvote. A picture displaying your bullet wounds and tiger bites, you're in-the-money. An essay about not shaving your chest hair, or back hair for that matter ... CHA-CHING!


Glade.... Gladiator cologne... you're killing me!!


So ... can I put you down for a bottle? We toying with a line of men's underwear called, "Spartacus."


Ohhh Gladiators in Spartacus underwear.... you're making me think of that scene in Life of Brian, when the centurions can't not laugh at the names.

"Incontinentia.... Buttocks!"

What a great text! You must have worked hard with this! I love it, just too confused to say something clever about it haha. I love the end, though. Lol you should definitively be considered at least as the founder of a new genre ;) should they quote your poem and thus give you 1 SDB for the usage in the Daily Dose? haha


I've been reading through posts all day ... my poem has gone viral!

But the copyright violators are breathtaking in their chutzpah: Industrial-scale plagiarism ... and not a penny in royalties!

I don't know what to do.


I have lived an experience, that this is great poetry. I declare, therefore, that in at least one version of reality - this is great poetry. Any denial of this is a violation of my truth.


It is, therefore, not true that it isn't poetry - and also true that it is poetry.

Prescient. I sense that you are a scholar. Well ... I guess it all depends on what the meaning of "isn't," isn't. If a thing "isn't," haven't you negated its existence prior to its premise?

Hmmm ... Ambiguous Contraction Poetry.

To be, or not to be, that is/isn't the question:
Whether 'tis/'tisn't nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune ...


The truth (my truth ) of it, depends not on such flimsy things as an agreed premise in order to test the veracity of any supposition, but on my lived experience. I agree with @oneazania, you're in desperate need of re education camp.

EDIT .. the genre of Ambiguous Contraction Poetry is born! It demands a paper and submission to the next available literary conference


That @oneazania guy was who I had in mind when I brought of "Debbie Does Dallas" being "art."


Alow me to submit something to inspire your next Misspelled Preposition Poetic work .. it is Italian, so sadly less important than French.



If you don't think I can misspell "A" ... you don't know who you're dealing with. I AM A POET!


I am amazed what people do nowadays to get into Poets United Daily Dose :) I guess we are on the right path fam :0 . We are happy to have such a creative as you man :) About the new genre well .. No Comment :)


Number #1 in Daily Dose, baby ... Number #1!!!

What's left? A Pulitzer and the Nobel Prize for Literature. One down, two to go.

As you can see above, @blockurator is now experimenting with Correctly Spelled Pronoun Poetry. Keep scrolling up: @carolkean and I have been collaborating on Ambiguous Contraction Poetry

Angel ... it's inspiring a generation of artists!

I am truly ... humbled.


To be, or not to be, that is/isn't the question:
Whether 'tis/'tisn't nobler in the mind to suffer... yeah! Now that's existential!

Honor to have you on board man :) Always pleasure to read your creative ideas and views.


The honor's mine, brother. And creativity ... I've got to have some of the best commenters on Steemit. My comments section are often more interesting than the posts themselves. With all these minds bouncing about, it's hard not to be creative.


You did an interesting job there. Nice comparisons!


Thanks mate. Just trying to get people to think for themselves.


"The statistics lie. Bell Curves are a tool of the Oppressors."
Yes. As Mark Twain duly noted, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Then again, in math class, the Bell Curve may have spared me from flunking. The uncertainty of it was enough, I just dropped out of physics, graduated high school half a year early (my first C-minus! eep!), and majored in English... and had to take one math class.... so I took Intro to Computer Programming... and the story ends there. You don't need to hear about Endless Loops and Reams of Paper and punch cards and the dirty looks those employees gave me.... (Scarred for Life. Yes. I am.)


Poor old Mark Twain ... he's being censored in numerous schools. His characters apparently don't speak sufficiently politically-correct language. What we need is social commentary ... that doesn't comment on society. Shakespeare's in the spotlight too ... his stuff is just filled with microaggressions.


Must I flagellate you with a hyphen to get you to stop hyphenating after -ly words?
The day they go after Bill the old Bard, we know it's time for a correction. The sands have shifted waaaaay too far...


The hyphen I put in "politically-correct" is ... "politically incorrect." I'm a poet. Poets are rebels. I'm rebelling. :-)

Seriously, though ... doesn't it feel like there ought to be a hyphen in there? It feels like ... "my Truth."

The sands have shifted waaaaay too far...

Here's another article thematically related:


Creative Summit

how does Art fall into the quality is subjective argument?

Nobody can decide for another if that other will or will not like something.
And 'source calling' can sometimes be damaging to artistic value as well.
Source calling is hyped as if it is a sin when a source is not named, yet there are artists who like to remain anonimous. And who even don't like if the name of a commercial entity is 'called' where someone found a COPY (image) of the artwork.
Even though they are perfectly OK with having pictures taken and published, but they HATE to be associated with commercial entities. And those who know those artists will respect that and NOT call a bogus source as the ACTUAL source could be "South wall of Buckingham palace" So if the source is then called I found this image on 'shittycommercialwebsite.poop' That then disrespects the artist. Would that artist be respected if he or she anonymously filed a take down notice?

Good Lord, your post is so long I might never make it through every word of it, and your comments section is even longer! No wonder you post one post a week! Meanwhile, speaking of upvotes and wallets, here's a post you all might wanna see:


... and your comments section is even longer!

Walk through the park.


🥇 Your poem chosen for 1st spot 🥇 daily dose banner1-1.jpg
from 9 poems by a panel of 2

Now wait a cotton pickin’ minute. Are you telling me the earth isn’t flat? I don’t believe it. I love this post very thought provoking but... I find myself with a sudden craving for a nice piece of tuna pi. When can we expect a post on the subtle differences between functional structuralism and structural functionalism?

Thank you for making me think.

Teh end!


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