Gribbling gabbling the gribbling goblin
(syllable count-9,8,8,6)
Gribbling gabbling the gribbling goblin,
Popped the locks as fibbling, fobling.
Down dusty road and far abode,
The gibbling goblin rode.
Swilling dilling, the fudgling piddlin',
Sucked the crocked as cudgeled miggling.
In farmers pens with village hens,
The gribbling goblin strode.
Mishing, mashing, the blood stained slashing,
Doffed the scoff as screeching lashed him,
Flee from scene, all his deeds obscene,
The goblin myth arose.
Catch him, smash him, bind him and lash him!
Mocked the lot of mans best stash: Him!
Let's hunt him down and crack his crown,
We'll be the goblins woe.
Running, racing; all goblins chasing,
sock the rots and bag the hate-things!
Lust filled men with new blades glinting,
The goblin hid from all.
Gribbling gabbling, the gribbling goblin,
wibbed the gops as men came grabbing.
He begged in his tongue, swayed hearts none,
Now goblins are no more!