The Selfish Gene

in poetry •  8 years ago 

I am your God.
Your creator and maker.
A warrior seed across space and time, my existence is all.
I am the blueprint. The plan. From microbe to man.
All life I mould to my will.

I am the spark of life.
I thread an unbroken line.
My helix a spiral that journeys through time.
I speak a language without words, of wants and desires.
I impel you through my design.

You are mere vessels of clay.
The wine sours to be poured away.
I drop you to shatter on the floor.
Your fleshy shards I consume, so life can resume,
through disease, old age and decay.

I am always. It was ever thus.
Once I clothed myself in lizard flesh.
A nightmare of dragons I begat.
yet when their reign was ended and I sought new guises.
An experiment filling each and every niche.

The hunter and the hunted.
Wrest life from each summer.
Beauty and cruelty, both equal in measure.
In a war never ending, constantly evolving.
With only I, the one true winner.

From the unthinking cell
To leviathans fell.
No use to me once redundant, once obsolete, I obliterate.
For forward I travel, leaving your fossils in the gravel.
I will urge you on, you must change or be gone.
I am your God, my existence is all.

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