We Are All In This Together
We think we are so we say "I am"
But that's a lie that binds us tight
To forms of fear that fight and flee
From other selves that cause us plight
We build our walls with sight and smell
With touch, taste, sound and soul
We guard ourselves from pain and harm
But in the end we lose control
For those we see as enemies
Are only here to shake our core
To make us question who we are
And show us what we're living for
They urge us to look past our selves
And see our image everywhere
In every face and form and thing
That shares this world and cares
They help us feel beyond our walls
And realize that we are one
And though each is different and unique
We're all connected by the Son
We're all in this life together,
And we share a common fate
We have the power to choose our path
And make the world more great
We can choose cooperate and care,
Or we can choose to hate and fight
But in the end we'll reap the fruits
Of what we sow in life