The Neon Egyptian Ship of The Dead

in poetry •  7 years ago 

Image: Witch Doctors at The Eye of The Solar Epoch by Shawn Thornton

I've crossed to the far shore(the otherside),
before on a Neon Egyptian Ship of The Dead
Last time I was here
I was scared shitless
that I jump ship
I wonder what's in store
for this trip
I waiting in fear and trembling
taking on the beast that is
My unconscious mind, the logos
and everyone else
after crossing, devote
three days of hard labor
to damage control
This is another logos mashup
where words, vision and insight
remix and change reality
the past does not exist except
as a threadbare fragment in the
weaker minds of the many
the fiery sun of the dreamtime
evaporates the love lakes of my
soul, clouds my thoughts and
rains beauty into existence. As I take
flights on bolts of lightning.
claiming chaos as my muse
and you as my me. I of the storm.
You of the sea. We of the moon.
Land of the Dead. What have I done
to deserve this? Am I happy?
Am I eternal?
this is how the logos
creates and destroys
Hunter once told me
buy the ticket, take the ride
you are blessed with an opportunity
to resuscitate that which others
have abandoned as beyond repair
and baby everybody has abandoned me
because I am beyond repair
but evolution is free
thanks be to the logos
cuz I'm broke
repairing the damage
just by addressing yourself
to the problem,
you exhibit a new awareness,
a fresh perspective
this is in direct response
to the Ten Scrolls
and the Dead Emcee Scrolls
changing lines, restoring
what I have damaged
some regrets, but
no great mistakes.
but that's all I can do
is to dance and set myself free
and tonight am opening
that vortex where all memory live
I learn from the wind
that freedom is only
a beat and some steps away
I remember when dat bass
finally unwedged
My consciousness free
I just let everything be
I use to worry about
How she saw me
I needed the drink
I thought it was the thing
that set my body free
but with smoke and
My little friend the wind
I learned it was all inside me
and every now and then
I dance myself clean

Note: Last Two Images by Me

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