Poetry for your Soul

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemit Friends!

Thank you for your continuing support, as always greatly appreciated!

I would like to share with you a poem I wrote.
The photography is also mine and it is a self portrait.
The poem is based around my exploration of what a soulmate would be, and how as humans we can be connected, yet physically removed from each. Even of the other side of the planet. And sometimes, as rare as it may be, we can connect with a person, another human being, and literally feel them, next to us, with us, by our side through our moments in time, and they feel the same in return, even tho they maybe 1000s of miles away.


What is love and this connection anyways? What ever it is, it certainly drives us to many different areas in life, doesn't it?

Till the Next One,

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Thank you kindly @sek3 for the repost! Appreciated.