MY girlfriend has a friend over here from Australia
She wanted to go Baltimore and see it
Last time she went to some place called the Shake Shack in Baltimore
Raved about it
I looked it up
Its way too touristy. No way
This girl needs to see culture, real art and taste real food
(just my opinion)
In a place that is full of Real people
So , a trip to the BMA to see the John Waters exhibit
then to a place called the Papermoon Diner.
Its the odd little nerdy wEird things in life that offer soul
These are the dreams that come alive from the very still moments' someone has
as an experience in the corner of their bedroom
then this stillness whispers out into more and touches others
strange and weirD scares most people because it rips at the very huge ego and character
they have built.
we make fun of the wEirD because it scares us
or we think and label it
" i wont be popular if i do that"
" it has to be this way"
so we buy a square house, get a square spouse, and a square job working in a cube
and we feel dead
but have our life.
Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash