
in poetry •  7 years ago 

I cannot discern the precise moment that it happened
But somewhere beneath the folds of winter’s embrace,
My heart succumbed to a slow and furtive thaw…..

Was it by design?

I find myself a prisoner of futile contemplation as of late.

It seems that there is an inexplicable science
Fueling this curious and damnable fire within.

The dreamer wants that which is not to be
While the warrior delivers blow after blow,
Valiantly defending the fortress of dispassion.

©️ 2018 Tina Jordan, All Rights Reserved

Photo by paul morris on Unsplash

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I feel like that occasionally. I always hope it will be a good change.

Thanks for stopping by Dee :)

Where do you disappear to?
Denying our souls your craft!

Thanks for sharing... beautifully done as always :)

I don't mean to disappear. It's just that life keeps twisting and turning a bit more than I anticipated as of late. Thank you so much <3

Fully understood... After all its life :)

two nations warring in the bosom of a single state - Choose life

Ah, yes... the struggle... thanks, John :)

you always have the best content tinajordan keep it up!