
in poetry •  7 years ago 

There is no race
Only humans pursuant to the finish line
The common goal
Life, and the enjoyment it has to offer

There is no race
So what's the hurry?
Why the worry?
Why do we feel the need to catorigize?
Having pride in separation

Looking into human eyes
Seeing despair
If your skin is fair
Or dark
Like any snide remarks or actions
Will make you any different

We need good deeds
An eradication of all the weeds
Choking societies bloom
Hindering our growth
We are feasting off hate
Playing chicken with our own doom

The world needs a hunger strike
The world needs a fast
Cause at the rate
We're running this race
This human race won't last long

1000 years from now
Robots play our songs
As they reminisce on their creators
So long gone past tense
Past tense
Past prime
We live in the past so much
I swore I read a sign
It said
Welcome to 1865
The year of our lord

Funny, how we praise god
In one breath
Yet shun the odd in the next
Deny the minority

Baby Temeka needs new braces
Living in the projects
Can't afford the fee
Parents work their asses off
For a bigger slice of the pie
Make too much for medicade
Too little for Blue Cross
Catch a cold and die

There is a poor cracker
With an old soul
He has dreams of owning his own business
His dreams on hold
Like whoever is watching his life
On Netflix
Really chilled
Put it on pause
And never came back

The Arab at the store
Selling loosies and scales
Getting dirty looks from rednecks
Who call em
Towelheads and camel jockeys
He just wants his slice of American apple pie
Say a prayer in peace
Give Zakat
Find a nice woman
And try...
For his family

Chinese dude working
At his father's restaurant
Ridiculed by the patrons
They order
Ching ching chong
As they make slant eyes
At his sister
Hometown America from which he grew
Family been in the "States"
Three generations now
So far from Kung-Fu
He can't even kick his own ass
He does so mentally every night

Final synapsis
We've lost touch with the human element
Throughout history we've separated
Or segregated
Enslaved, or emancipated
Yet we still hold each other captive
Our bonds?
Old belief systems, and tired thinking
Thinking one day it'll all sort it self out
No it won't

For some, race is all they have
No talent, no rhythm, no conception of love...
Just ego and superiority complexes
I wish they would just cease
To exist...

If they only knew that...
There is no race
There is no hurry
We the people of earth
Are all family
Not Judge nor jury

Look into another humans eyes
One with despair in it's face
Ask yourself
How far have we come
Running from our fears
Our insecurities

Promoting what makes us great
While implying that one race
Trumps another...

We all have our savants
We all have our miscreants
We do not know how to teach them
They don't give a shit no more
No one has ever reached out to them
To lend that helping hand...

As the moon grows red, and full
With a somber look on my face
I stare back at it's luminance in monotone
Think to myself

There is no race...
There is no race...
So why do we keep running from each other?

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