What have you spied lately?
Nice posts that look stately.
SEO oriented posts so elegantly.
Bloggers blogging do passionately.
You see them engage superbly.
You have seen them all online.
They have towed a superb line.
And given you their best dine.
In posts flowered with the leaves of pine.
They do not fall any short of shine.
They are as salty as brine.
And sugary like sweet cane.
They all came ashine.
How I wish such ability to possess.
Fine writing in the platform pass.
Am looking for articles full of finese.
For flowery writing with success.
I seek attractive content to release.
Great artistry portrayed without any mess.
That is whatvI want to confess.
Water may flow in a valley.
Yet bad people hide in an alley.
Frequent water wash create such a big a gulley.
Yet a good writer will leave a mark that pulls like a pulley.
He never lives for his belly.
But history he leaves like jelly.
Great posts come like in a rally.