in poker •  6 years ago 

Hello everyone, today's interview is for @bethalea, she is the MOD on SPL server in disccord, she´s always online (i dont know how she does that). She always helps other people in the community, i think she is the best female player on the community and she plays like a pro.

like Tuck she is funny and make jokes all the time, i remenber one time that she beats all the players in a moment, no one can with her, pay all-in all the time in she always won, crazy tourney. In the indiviaul ranking she is the number 33, spl has 1010 players at this moments so the number 33 its preatty amazing.

Here are the 10 question.

What is your name and age?

  • I am Beth and I’m younger than Tuck!

When you started playing poker?

  • My mother taught me how to play poker when I was about 5 years old.

Why do you like to play poker?

  • I am very competitive, even more competitive than Hoodish, actually… which means that I like to win. I also like to drink beer and sit, so poker is like, all of my favorite things!

Do you like to play online or in casinos?

  • Both

Tell us an anecdote that happened to you while you played poker?

  • I played quite a few ‘small’ live tournaments in Everett, WA and did fairly well. There were, of course, a whole cast of characters including this one dude, ‘Action Eric’. Action Eric loved action, obviously and would call anything at any time, raise, bet anything at anytime… you get the point. Anyway, there are only two of us left and everyone else is just sort of standing around, watching, and I flop quads. I sit on them, check, check, check to the river and I’m like, fuck it; bet. My opponent goes all in, bam, I’m the winner. Yay, B! A little bit later, I’m at the bar and here comes Action Eric who goes, ‘you know, you should never bet quads’. My mouth fell on the FLOOR I was so shocked, but I just laughed and said, ‘yeah Eric, you’re right. Thanks man’.

Action Eric, SMDH

Consider that poker is a game only for men or is simply an obsolete stereotype?

  • This is a weird stereotype that I don’t quite understand. Why don’t more women play?? If I had to guess it would be because women aren’t ‘supposed’ to be aggressive, and you need to be aggressive if you’re going to win at poker… I don’t know. You know what? We should ask some girls and find out why they don’t play!

How did you meet spl?

  • My husband was trying to get me to like Steemit and he told me that there was poker, so … I played. Obviously it was love at first site! ;)

You are the number 33/1009 in the spl individual ranking, that is to say that statistically you play better than many men, do you consider that these data make women want to join poker?

  • Oh, wow, I am? Sweet! Yeah, they should, because I’m not very good and I’m already at 33 so… come get some chips, ladies!!

Would you like more women to join the community like poker in general?

  • Of course! I like people (if you couldn’t tell) so the more the merrier!

And finally, what do you say to those who want to beat you at the poker tables?

  • BRING IT. ;)

She is not like other girls, and beats many mans as she can in the poker tables. If you like this interview or you want to say anything to @bethalea, you can comment down below.

The next interview is for @sevendst19, Who would you like to interview?, and What questions do you like to apply for this interviews?, let me know down below.

I hope you enjoy it, if you like play poker, go to @spl and , i will see you on the tables , bye bye.

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You should interview Tuck or Celsius next.

Bethalea is awesome. She is my favorite Black Jack dealer ever!! She is always upbeat and you're right she cracks me up. I've signed up for the poker league but haven't played yet. I'm really looking forward to the day I actually have a chance to sit down and play.
Thank you for the interview on one of my favorite people here on Steemit.

Bethalea is awesome. She is my favorite Black Jack dealer ever!! She is always upbeat and you're right she cracks me up. I've signed up for the poker league but haven't played yet. I'm really looking forward to the day I actually have a chance to sit down and play.
Thank you for the interview on one of my favorite people here on Steemit.

Bethalea is awesome. She is my favorite Black Jack dealer ever!! She is always upbeat and you're right she cracks me up. I've signed up for the poker league but haven't played yet. I'm really looking forward to the day I actually have a chance to sit down and play.
Thank you for the interview on one of my favorite people here on Steemit.