The Consequences of PTSD

in police •  7 years ago  (edited)


Even though I've survived a combat tour in Iraq, my trauma from interacting with police is more currently relevant to me. Having been falsely arrested several times, physically abused, roughed up, threatened, and caged, I have more of an involuntary response to police than Iraqis. While much attention is paid to veterans with PTSD, we obviously don't have a monopoly on it.

One of my dear friends has experienced some truly horrific abuse at the hands of the police. She also works as a waitress. Earlier today, 4 fully armed and uniformed cops walked into her restaurant and got sat in her section.

As she said, "My energy immediately gets irritated and off balance which leads me to 'accidentally' drop an entire tray of drinks on 2 of them and their entire table. Down their guns, sweet tea all in their radios and phones."

Needs to say, she didn't get a tip from them, but the table next to them noticed that she wasn't exactly remorseful and gave her a $10 tip. "So essentially I just got paid to pour drinks on cops." She is also now excused from ever having to serve police in her restaurant again because of her police brutality PTSD.

You thought this was going to be a serious post about PTSD, didn't you? Now I'm not advocating what my friend did. A more appropriate way for society to respond to criminals would be to ostracize them. If I see police at a restaurant, I'm less likely to eat there. Hang up a sign that says, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." Refuse service to known criminals like police who arrest people for victimless crimes. That being said, I'm not going to hold it against my friend for responding to brutal criminality with some spilled drinks!

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In Which country your friend in picture here turtured brutally like that?? !! Is it in US??!

If you have PTSD from a foreign war that you volunteered from, you probably feel that you are isolated from further trauma. If you have PTSD from a police incident, the trauma is still in your environment. This is terrible.

when i read this post seriously its touch to my heart and feeling sad.

Citizen Pulls Over Cop, Demands ID

"I'm not going to write you up today.

I was abused at the hands of police for "mistaken identity". I ended up with a concussion or a contusion from having my head slammed into the car. I had memory problems for months after the attack. I still have some memory problems to this day. I also have PTSD from it. After that horrible day, I would shake and get really nervous whenever I saw a cop or one was around me. I didn't feel safe. I felt worse when they were nearby. I even started having panic attacks. PTSD is real and it sucks. I share police brutality videos to increase awareness of the reality of the violence, but it's sometimes hard to watch them. I sometimes have flashbacks when I see them. And, I start to have PTSD symptoms. People who have never experienced the violence and abuse of cops have a hard time understanding why some people are passionate about showing people the true nature of government police. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But, I wish more people could understand how horrible it could be. I was innocent. I was doing nothing wrong. I was in a public place. And, I got attacked and kidnapped. What everyone needs to know is that it can happen to anyone. It forever changed my life, and in some ways led me to where I am today. But, I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through that feeling of helplessness and abuse at the hands of people who are supposed to be keeping you safe. I feel more safe when they are not around.

Excelent, post....

so how many Americans are leaving the US because of such things? Looking at the number of citizen deaths due to different reasons US seems like a war zone

OMG This is bad

bad news

Oh this is a Great post

I have no combat PTSD but cops really stress me out. I roll straight as I can so I can not interact with them and I can keep taking care of my family. Man, I just hate the police, and I'm not proud of that.

not much different from where I am the behavior of police officers, behavior that is not polite so that good institutions become ugly



What is all this, some police men are so wicked, look at what they are doing to a woman,God have mercy .

I agree with you @adamkokesh

If I see the police in the restaurant, I tend not to eat there. Hang a sign that says, "We have the right to refuse service to anyone." Refused service to famous criminals such as police who arrested people for non-victim crimes. That being said, I will not hold him against my friend to respond to the brutal criminality with some spilled drinks!
in the country I live is also often the case so and this is very upsetting to the police who should keep the community. but instead they rely on their arbitrary weapons and power, many innocent people become victims including children struck by stray bullets. I was very furious when I met the police
I grieve over the incident that happened to your friend @adamkokesh

I am very sad to see a woman treated like this !!
What's all this, some very nasty cop.
Thanks @adamkokesh has shared it on stemeet.

may goodness be recompensed with good and evil befell the bad as well

All this? Consequences of a lack of a Libertarian Attorney willing to help prosecute Title 18, Sec. 241 charges... along with Title 42, Sec. 1983 civil damage suits.

They win while we whine. I don't get it. How do Italians in America deal with this stuff? hmm?

@adamkokesh, it is amazing really just how much PTSD can affect us all. I was subjected to some workplace bullying that almost broke me and after seeking help to move past it, I was told that on the scale, I was similarly effected by this on the same level as someone that has been on active military duty. This is a fact that still does my head in, when I think about it. I guess we all find our ways to cope. I hope your friend finds some peace with it all at some point.

I suffer from mild PTSD I have a long history of abuse by badge and gun wielding criminals. From the age's of 15-17, 18-20, 21-23 I have been on probation for victimless crime's I'm currently 23 and still have 1 year left of probation so that's 3 times I've been on. Ive been locked up 6 time's had to go through AA 5 times even tho I don't drink I used to smoke weed. Over 10,000$ stolen from me and every time I drive I'm in a extreme state of paranoia. They completely fucked my life because I used to smoke a fucking plant fuck the police.

very sad to see and read your story @adamkokesh

Back in November 2012 I was driving to Eastern WA to visit a family member and shoot guns - target practice, plinking, nothing serious. I remember thinking about the email I sent, and wondering "crap, do they monitor silly shit like this?" A few hours later, while on the road, I was being tracked by a WA State Patrol white SUV. I wasn't speeding, I wasn't doing anything wrong. So, I stayed in the slow lane - and the cop SUV changed lanes to follow me. Then the lights came on, he pulled me over. "Hey, do you know why I pulled you over?" - I had no answer. "No" ...

"Well, I saw you change lanes twice ..."

Changing lanes twice, on I-90, to avoid crazy WA drivers ... that was my crime.

He didn't ticket me, but he asked me why I was traveling ... I simply told the guy I was driving to visit friends.

This is far from bad harassment, but it's the kind of crap that happens a lot now, and we all get used to it. Minor, daily, forms of harassment - reminders of "who's in charge".

Keep up the good work Adam.

Hi Adamkokesh! thank you for your insights! I wish you much success and happiness in life!