Lhokseumawe Police STAR Team revealed the storage of soap in the soil (bunker sabu) in Gang Barona Hagu Tengoh Village, Lhokseumawe City, on Saturday.
At the location of the STAR Team secures MA (32) bunker owners and RI (24) a pedicab driver. The two perpetrators of Hagu Tengoh residents.
Based on public information, the perpetrator often performs a sabu transaction at that location. Furthermore, the police follow up by increasing patrols to the location.
When the patrol team entered in Gang Barona, two young men MA and RI had time to escape and one of them claimed the owner of the house and another is his friend.
After being searched the location found a bong sabu, so the team continued the examination in the house of the suspect MA witnessed his wife.
In the house was found a bunker where the storage of shabu is planted in the soil of his house room containing a straw and some plastic that remains of suspected powder shabu.
The police also found two matches, two scissors, a scales unit, a few new medium and small plastics and a bag containing Rp1,142,000 cash that was allegedly the result of a drug transaction.
"Both the suspects and the evidence submitted by the Lhokseumawe Police Drug Unit for further inspection process," said AKBP Hendri Budiman, Lhokseumawe Police Chief through Head of Ops Kompol Ahzan.