Almost killed by crazy LAPD

in police •  8 years ago 

I was walking down the street about 8 months ago.....I was on my way to a church for early service at 8am, to see about a repair job. The church, like many in LA is located in an industrial park. That early in the morning, on a sunday the whole area is devoid of traffic. I crossed the street right in the middle to get away from the bright early sun and walk on the shady side of the street. This would be jaywalking in LA. Since almost all streets here are level and straight you can see at least 1 full mile in each direction i saw no cars or harm in crossing. I was in for the shock of my life. To this day I have no clue where the unmarked crown victoria came from (many driveways to businesses). when I walked about 100 ft. or so on the other side. I heard the roar of the engine as it came close and turned my head. They came speeding down and screeched to a halt 15 feet from me. Three LAPD got out and ran at me with hands on holtsters. I started to turn to face them. but got to me before i even finished turning, the two lead cops (White) grabbed me by each arm. the third cop (latino) drew his weapon and had it held with both hands in front of him pointing down. the cops that had my arms started to pull me back and forth as if they where having a tug of war. I allowed myself to go limp and looked like a rag doll. after about 45 seconds of this they turned me to face the wall of a building and slammed me into it. that's when I asked "what did i do? the cop on my left said "shut the **** up you jaywalked". I started to ask "all this for jayw....{ that's how much came from my mouth before the latino cop pushed my face into the wall and sais "he told you to shut the **** up mother****er". The cop on my right said "Looks like we have a ****head with an attitude problem." the cop on the left said "good thing we are in the attitude adjusting business" all three laughed. the latino cop said.."what you doing out here this early? you been doing meth all night? where's the dope". and started to take by pack back off me. the cop on the left said.."he asked you a ****ing question where is the dope you piece of shit?" I told them i don't use drugs or even drink. The cop on the right said" and i am the ****ing president of the united states" the cop on the left said "I would vote for you" the latino cop said "i would to but i am a democrat" all three laughed really hard. at that point i could smell alcohol. I became so scared...cause I knew then these cops been up all night and drinking and looking for someone to kill. they watched the latino cop empty my backpack all over the ground. the two cops turned me around and started to search on each side. the cop on the left took my cell phone and handed it to the latin cop. he looked at it and asked" you got child porn on here you look like a ****ing pervert" the cop on the right said "no bro..he looks more like the type that ****s animals" the cop on the left said "yeah....must love big fat horse **** up the nasty tweaker ass" they all laughed again. the latino cop said "doesn't matter anyway" and threw my $400 phone on the ground so hard that it came apart and shattered the glass in tiny bits. "he wont enjoy any of his sick tweaker porn" the cop on the left took my wallet and went through it throwing everything on the ground (i have lots of stuff in my wallet like many men do.) he took out my money $76. He asked me if i thought that widows and kids of dead cops should not have to worry about stuff? All i could do what shake my head...i stood there fighting the instinct to yell for help or run, struggle. he then said "good ill take this money as a donation" and put the cash in his pen pocket. the cop on the right said take you dirty ass shoes and socks off and if you make a stupid move I'll blow your brains outs all over this god dam sidewalk. the latino cop pulled out his gun and held it to his side. I slowly took one set of my shoes and socks off. it wasn't fast enough for the cop on the right. and he punched me in the middle on my collarbone just under my neck..making me stand up straight. The latino cop pointed his gun at my face and said 'this ****sucker is resisting." the cop that had my wallet said...'hold up fellas look..." he handed the latino cop my veterans id labeled service connected and he handed it to the cop on the right. the latino cop asked if i was a combat vet (gun still at my face)....i shook my head no. the cop on the left said turn around face the wall. I did...he then told me to put my hands up on it spread my legs and look down....i did. the next thing i hear are the car doors closing. I look over as they burn rubber out of there. when they screech around the next corner out of sight...i collapsed on the floor and vomited. i was crying tears of relief as i was on my knees gathering my stuff (even the $76) wearing only one shoe. I knew that the only reason i was still alive was the fact that i was a vet. how they where going to stage it,,i can only guess. in hindsight i can recall they had no name tags and had tape over there badge numbers. I know most of the cops in my area..i never saw those guys before. or have since. I told a friend of mine the story he asked his uncle (lapd sgt). he told him that without the cops identity finding them was almost impossible unless i looked at hundreds of photos never mind being able to prosecute them with no witness or video. No cameras on the building on that section of the street. About 3 months later i was at my friends house when his uncle was there and we went of the story for about 3 hrs. He admitted to me that i almost became a victim of a "training day". dirty cops from a different area find their victims, do what they tried to do to me. I will never trust cops ever again. I am so glad that I was able to use my military training to remain as calm as i could. and glad that my veterans id card saved my ass.. LONGEST 7 MINS OF MY LIFE!!!!!!

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