Immigrant Caravan in Mexico swells to 5,'s about to get REAL! Do YOU wanna be President?

in political •  6 years ago 

Trump says he will place US Military at our borders to stop this caravan of immigrants and I believe him to be dead serious. What are your thoughts on the action the US should take when this caravan gets here and inevitably storms the border patrol and military to get in? If our laws say we do not provide amnesty should we shoot to kill? How can we shoot these people if they don't stop and what does this do to us geo-politically? This is an escalating situation and its about to get real in a hurry. Please leave your comments below and let me know what you would do when they get here if you were the President.

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Let them in peacefully, tear down the borders, Fuck Trump!

Are you paying them to get a start here.......because I’m not willing to.

Hey man, I appreciate your relatively neutral video on that even though you stated your own opinion. These poor people are here in Costa Rica the talk of the hour and my wife is crying her eyes out for them. I feel sorry for them, because they believe that they could have a better life in the USA, even if they would make it inside. They are wrong. I have never seen so much pverty and control in my entire life as during my short trips to New York and Los Angeles. And they would be at the bottom of society and probably being held as working slaves by some people who "help" them.

They are being fed a lie and accelerate the chasm being created by the left-right devision. We are living in powerful times and the entire world will radically transform over the next few years.

This is an awesome comment and 100% truth. I feel bad just as a lover of humanity but, our country has fought wars against itself to decide our laws. I agree that they will actually become slaves if they get in here. Moreover this is a political move to get votes. Sick.

@flauwy if you feel so bad, how many do you want at your house? I'm sure your crying wife, would be crying more if they kill you or that they rape your wife. I do not feel one ounce of sorry for them and believe when they get here, chart a plane and take them right back to where they came from or take asylum from Mexico, which they refused. So this is no longer about asylum, it's about living the free life that our US immigration offered other people. I am tired of paying for these handouts. So keep the immigrants at your house until you feel used enough, and then maybe you will understand the USA's position on declining entry.

I am sending you kisses and hugs.

Wow! I heard it here first!

I guess they are not immigrants til they get over the border but that will be a touchy situation. Shooting to kill should not be an option and what they are running away from has to be pretty bad if they would take that chance.

There is gonna be one hell of a shanty town on the other side of that border and it will take some compassion and cooperation to deal with it. They are humans afterall.

I agree we are all humans but you need to stay and fight your own oppressive government if it’s that bad. We had to do it here.....many died.....should we just ignor all the blood that has been shed for the freedoms and laws we have here because somebody didn’t want to right to root out evil where they live?

Valid point. Though you would like to think that fighting that fight to get where you are would put you in the strong position to help other folks as well.

Not saying that it would be wrong to deal with the situation forcefully. It will be a situation that is bound to enrage 50% of the people watching no matter what. Tough one.

I think Trump managed to secure a deal with Mexico that would allow to return them to Mexico. All they have to do is play pokemon with them and catch 'em all. Ship them few times from Mexico-US border all the way to Guatemala-Mexico border and eventually they will eventually run out of either money or willpower to trek up north again.

I may smoke a turd in hell for laughing at that one!


"Hail To The Chief", @VoyceAtlas!

I wrote my stump speech years ago... I think it's still pretty relevant.


It bad’s got a good little hook to it.

Thank you 🖖👽 💚

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Oh, I definitely can not decide what to do in such situation!
It's too difficult to decide...

I think the army must follow the order of his President Trumpp and apply his law

It’s not his’s OUR was written hundreds of years ago.

I live in Canada and if I tried to cross the US border without a passport or authorization I would be physically stopped. What is different here?

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Not only a european problem anymore. The problem is that there are always criminals among them, because criminals flee too. But you know, people are and have been always on the run somewhere in the world.

In such a condition, it is very difficult for a President to take a decision. But the duty of the President is to work for the benefit of the people of his country.

For a President, his country is the first. If there is a problem for the country then this should be stopped.

Immigrants became problem for all countries in the world .

as long as everything is followed by rule its ok the violence will take nowhere

I was stationed in Honduras - the conditions these people are seeking asylum from are very real and very dangerous. A little compassion please for mothers and fathers seeking safety for their family ...

I find it funny how people overreact. they have done caravans every year and aren't really violent so whats the big deal. 🤔🤔

Modern Hysteria.
This shit is modern day "War of the Worlds"
325,000,000 people in the U.S.
5,000 is really going to change anything..

yeah but before the revolution.....we left england....
our ancestors left in search for a better life. sometimes you have to remove yourself from bad situations. idk if anyone whos willing to die cus there life is so bad asks me for help... im gonna help them. thats just me tho.

Nobody gave your ancestors anything when they arrived though. No housing, no food stamps, no money, no food... they had to earn everything. When an immigrant stepped out of boat in early days, there was only a military fort, forest and winter around the corner. Later a town, church and maybe a charity that would gave them a soup and send them away. Europe->America migration in past centuries cannot be compared with SA->NA migration today at all.

Soo we celebrate Thanksgiving for no reason??? Also, I didn't compare the situation, the guy in the video did. I just pointed out the flaw in the historical reference.

His hands are tied. By law, he cannot use the military inside America. Closing that border however, would get Mexico's attention big time as they export 80% of their stuff to us...

It’s a very complicated situation for sure.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Army should obey the president's order.

Quite frankly, he may need to put a lot of pressure upon Mexico to do the dirty work here. If he sends the military in and massacres them all, it could severely affect his chances during the mid-terms as it will be considered a massive abuse of human rights. If he lets it through, multiple caravans and boats will follow; just ask the citizens of Italy, Germany or Sweden. Those refugees numbers can swell into the millions surprisingly quickly. Such numbers will severely affect the future demographic of the nation.

Well said. This is a problem

I agree with you sir its our law.

These Worked during WWII and I think this Will Work in this Situation..............

My Step Father was a Marine and was Shot on Okinawa and he received a Purple Heart. I think this would Honor his sacrifice if We are being invaded on Our US border.

No matter what happens, I don't think it will ever get to shooting. I mean, we are talking about the U. S. Army against some immigrants. You don't have to use bullets to stop them.

So when 5000 people who have WALKED all the way from the Southern border of Mexico get here......we just talk to them? Tell them to turn around and go back? Let them starve at the border? They are hell bent to get into the USA and they have come a long way. When they rage mad and make runs for the border what is the plan? Believe me, this is gonna be a problem.

Love watching your videos thank you so much @broncnutz

You should do exactly what you think. Always do not rely on others. Trump is a good man.

Trump shouldn't dare shoot these innocent lives. There are men women young , old and infants. If I was the president I would welcome them to be part of the country they are fighting to dwell in peace, otherwise build a heavily fortified superstructures whose wall cannot be breached. Like the Great wall of China. ;) ;) ;)

How would you pay for this massive welcoming party? Raise taxes on Americans who are already over taxed?

World's richest country should pay from their federal reserve as they spend on occasions of disaster and natural calamities. Also should quickly rehabilitate them and get them proper jobs so they can contribute for America.

thats all politics man,sometime govt. know that is true or false but for the biggest priority they act like different....

Amazing video sir still america is a great country we need to stop trump and his effects.

Stop Trump from doing what? He is protecting our borders from people who didn’t have enough guts to stay and fight for their own lands. If your from S Korea you should know all about this. There is protection between you and crazy N Korea guy right? Would you be disappoint if your President in S. Korean just let anyone into your country and then make you and every other person there pay for it through taxation? Your country is not doing this so why should we stop Trump and his effects as you say here? I’m just curious. 😁

Actually, South Korea DOES let anyone willing to cross from North Korea in. ;)

Yes I know this but is S Korea willing to let 5000 immigrants in from Honduras? People who need money and resources when they get here? Letting N Koreans in would be like Canadians coming here. Our cultures are similar. If we let these people in there will be 1M people right behind them.

By the way, I understand the anxiety with the visuals of these many people heading to the US boarder, but if you think about it carefully, you will realise that a lot of it is overblown and politicised. The drama of people in a caravan across several countries heading to the US adds to the frenzy, and it doesn't help that the president is threatening to send the army to meet civilians.

5,000 isn't really that many people. There are more than that coming in casually via the airports every day. Many of them are would be illegals. I have many friends from Europe that travelled to the US on a tourist visa and simply never came back. They are illegal, but nobody bothers them. If they were caught, then probably the'd be deported, but they seem to be fine for now. They work (taking away work that would otherwise be taken by Americans), and benefit from the resources of the country. Where's the outrage? You see what I mean?

So is it the culture you're worried about? Are you happy to let 5,000 Canadians in then?

No I am not, and we also stop Canadians at the border. I am not willing to let anyone come in just because they got to our border. Co,e in proper or don’t come at all.

Yes, it's right. But it is also a matter of thinking that immigrants consider America to be a good country that's why they want to come. A rule should be made for immigrants. do not stop them from coming. I like trump so much, if both trump and modi become one then the world will be for ahead

Just put up a roadblock and tell them to turn around....

Why is shoot to kill an option? If they're not applying for citizenship legally, that's no reason to kill people. Just like if someone applied for a passport and was given a counterfeit one, you don't kill them.

I think people are too afraid of something that happens all the time. Border patrol knows what they are doing. Theres no conspiracy with the border patrol and just letting immigrants in. If it's a caravan of 5,000, they'll be spotted.

Stop freaking out.

Precisely this 👌🏼

It will be difficult decision for a president to make,can't decide what I will do in that situation.

The main problem here is a question of who are these people. Even more, who is helping them, because no way are several thousand people moving without someone providing food and water as well as sanitation. I smell big money here for political optics just in time for our elections.

For everyone who says let them in, can you guarantee that within this hoard are not terrorists from the middle east? Isis has been run out of Syria and Iraq maybe they want to strike back.

As far as I am concerned anyone who provides assistance is engaged in "human trafficking".

Build the Wall! Send the Army! Shut that Border Down!

I think he should put the military there to protect the borders, from immigrants caravans because they are coming in illegally.

But I don't think Trump will shoot them, he just ward them off with the military.

And when they rush the entry points by the thousands and won’t stop.....then what?

Oh. Are they really planning to do that? Has it ever been done before?

Nope....not this many people

OK. Am sure President Trump will have his way around it without taking lives. But there might be few causalities not much.

Believe it or not Mexico is pretty hard on immigrants from the south, thats why many are forced to ride on top of the freight-trains, because the busses have controls all the time, you have to show your passport and if you are illegal the'll take you and deport you, they also stop cars and such checking the passports and visas... (very totalitarian)...

I don't know if you have been to Mexico, but if you have been, then you know there are controls all the time all over the place...

Im not familiar with this specific caravan of Hondurans, but a friend told me something about this caravan getting attacked by local Mexicans, (illegal aliens are even less popular in Mexico, they get exploited in sex trade, robbed, raped, killed and buried all the time, so I guess if you are afraid of immigrants from Central America, you should be really glad to have Mexico as a buffer)...

According to Honduras' Casa Alianza, Mexico deported more than 90,000 Honduran child migrants in 2016, and the United States apprehended an estimated 410,000 migrants mainly from Central America. It is in Honduras and the United States' interest to stem immigration in 2017.


I personally think that many of these people should be eligible for asylum, there is extreme poverty, civil unrest and violence in Honduras most of these people have no future in their home country.

And Im pretty sure most of them will work very hard, if they get to stay in the US (Latin Americans are usually not afraid of manual labour). Don't think it will cost much to let them in, possibilities of a positive ROI is pretty big...

Just my two cents... Don't shoot them at the border, bad idea...


Trump has created a lot of problems sir.

He has? He didn’t create this. Our stock market and currency is booming. More people here are employed than in a very long time. He’s appointed qualified conservatives to the Supreme Court and as of right now about 52% of Americans love Trump. Can you be more specific about the problems he’s created or did you just hear that on some news station?

my son thiago isaac is a very big blessing at the moment that God gave it to me ... my prince was born on April 12, 2018. born at 32 weeks. (premature) 8 months.

my son was born healthy and beautiful .. but when he was 4 and a half months the cardiologist tells me that my son has (tetralogy of fallot) are 4 problems of heart disease and at the time I have to operate. I trust in God. He will heal me or rather I will be healthy. Every day and I will take it to the office. I will upload a picture and go counting the story of my son ... he is a very smiling and funny child is a prince ..

I enter this social network to share the story of how God heals and cares for my son. and also of this disease. I would like you to help me with getting a MONEY in order to help my son. I hope to have help from this page. God take care of it.

Great work

It is a pretty intense situation on both sides, they clearly want a better future for their family and others but I think it also affects that so many immigrants enter the United States and more if the president has made it clear that he does not want them there , it would be best to wait to see how this happens

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment