Free speech under attack – UK now using pre-crime measures against dissidents

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

It is getting clearer and clearer by the day that free speech, among other great Western values, is under attack. For anyone who has been following the development over the last years in the US and western Europe, this is hardly any news. The lengths at which authorities and corporations target individuals with the “wrong” opinions seem to get ever more Orwellian. At the same time, they completely fail at taking care of actual criminals who pose a real threat to society.

While the above statements surely can be applied to several western countries, perhaps most notable recently is the UK. Just the other day, Lauren Southern was banned from entering the country. The police detained her under “Schedule 7” to the “Terrorism Act 2000” before she could enter.

Of course, Lauren is not an actual terrorist. Rather, she is an activist and journalist who happens to hold right wing conservative views. But above all, she is not a mainstream conservative who bows her head for the ever-increasing leftist madness. This includes daring to criticize Islam and the islamization that is occurring in western Europe – a big NO-NO in today’s UK.

So, what was the actual motivation for not letting her into the country? Due to “distribution of racist material” in Luton, England earlier this year. Below is a photo from that event. I thought that this is what tolerance looks like…that the left enjoys so much.

Oh right, you can’t say anything that might upset some Islamists. You see, it’s fine to mock Christians this way. But those Muslims, they just cause too much trouble when upset. So, in order to keep everyone believing that this giant experiment of forced multiculturalism is working just fine, let’s just get rid of this free speech thing and let the bullies dictate how we go about.

Also the other day, right-wing activist couple Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner were arrested when trying to enter the UK. The motivation for this arrest can basically be summarized as being within the same category as the case with Lauren Southern – thought-crime or opinion-crime.
Hint: it has to do with criticizing multiculturalism and its destruction of the West.

The problem of islamization and the utter failure of multiculturalism is getting bigger and bigger. More and more people are aware of the issues but are afraid to speak out due to fear of losing their livelihoods and being publicly bullied by the left. So, they keep their mouths shut. But inside, they are growing tired of the failed policies that the so-called elite has pushed upon them. Just as with Trump’s victory in the US, the Brexit option won in 2016 despite all mainstream pundits bashing it and ridiculing it. And with such a gap between the rulers and the average man, both in terms of everyday experiences and in ideology, censuring “inconvenient” opinions are not going to make the problems go away. The question is, how far will the ruling class go in order to stay in power and have their way?

Free speech is already all but gone in the UK. Internet censorship is on the rise throughout several European countries, gladly cheered on by the increasingly awful legacy media.

It seems we in the West, particularly in Western Europe, are about to reach a critical point. Either we stand up for our Western values and oppose censorship in all its forms. We do what is necessary to take back our right to live our own lives of choice and not to be used simply as tax cattle. With increasing internet censorship and authorities and corporations keeping track of all parts of your life, including your financial one, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies should definitely be embraced as part of the solution here. If we do not resist now, we allow our freedoms to be taken away in the name of tolerance and security, all the while ushering in the replacement of western culture and its peoples.

Stockholm, 2018-03-13

More on the mentioned incidents:

BPS take:

Stefan Molyneux interviews Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner:

"What Has Britain Become?":

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