Why are Aliens Coming to this Planet?

in politics •  9 years ago  (edited)

Why are Aliens coming to this Planet ?

First of don't let Them (The Aliens or Extra Terrestrials (E.T's) or anyone else have you believe that they are here interfering with Humans on Earth for any positive reason for Humanity. The world has been given to humanity as its world of origin, as its place of residence and as a splendid environment in which humanity could evolve and build its civilizations and learn the lessons of peace and cooperation, both by principle and by error. Do not ever think that this world is owned by anyone else, that any other race in the universe has rights to this world or has any special privilege for visiting this world or can make any claims of ownership to this world or any claims of authorship for human evolution. This is your planet of origin. It has been given to you by the Creator of the universe with the hope and the desire that that you would prosper here and maintain this world as the precious resource that it is. It has been given so that it may sustain you through your difficult phases of development and so that it may sustain you as you emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life, where such worlds of biological diversity are rare. The E.T's that are coming to this planet have been abducting people and taking them aboard Unidentified Flying Objects or (UFO's), abducting people against their will for certain reasons that were once thought to be merely studies of a curious Alien species, but the research from Dr. David M. Jacobs and many others seem to tell another story. The abductions have certain reoccurring themes that are consistent during the interactions, They always involve reproduction procedures according to the abductees themselves and Dr. David M. Jacobs. The memories of the abductees interactions with the Aliens are tampered with upon leaving the (UFO), and the findings from findings David Jacobs come from a light form of hypnosis that is performed to retrace the "Broken" memories. The memories do not always seem complete, nor are they all crystal clear, but many who have explored abduction experiences using hypnosis have found it to be an extremely useful tool, one that helped them to find and piece together the fragments of their memories. Dr. David M. Jacobs has been involved with, and interviewed many abductees over the years and has refined his techniques of the Hypnosis he uses to get the best results.

In 1954 at the at Edwards Air force Base Nevada, an agreement was allegedly signed named the "Geada Treaty" coordinated by the Above Top secret sector of the United States Government and signed by the then President Elect Dwight Eisenhower. In the treaty the (E.T's) were to trade technology with Humans, and to be given in exchange the OK to abduct a certain amount of Humans per year, under conditions that the names of the abductees were given to the appropriate people inside the US government and also that the abductess were always brought back unharmed with no recollection of what happened during the interaction with the Extra Terrestrial’s. There are a number of sources alleging an extraterrestrial meeting at Edwards Air force base that corresponded to a formal First Contact event. These sources are based on testimonies of ‘whistleblowers’ that witnessed documents or learned from their ‘insider contacts’ of such a meeting. These testimonies describe what appears to be two separate sets of meetings involving different extraterrestrial groups who met either with President Eisenhower and/or with Eisenhower administration officials over a short period of time.

(HIGHLLY ENCOURAGED website to visit for Humanitys Future: www.alliesofhumanity.org)

or Google: The Allies of Humanity Book 3 PDF

The Aliens are resource explorers that pose a huge threat to Human freedom if they are to be successful in their plan. It is a group of E.T's that are interfering on this planet, not just one race, and they are competing against one another to which one of them will be the en-slavers of Humanity and the off planet over lord of the Planet Earth. They have studied Humanity for many years learning of all aspects of Human life and Physiology. The Visitors have studied the Earth and all of the bio diversity that also contains a threat to them if they were to come into direct contact with bacteria from this planet. As Humans are the natives to this planet, much like the Native Indians of America, They want to utilize Humans and the earth for themselves. The visitors are here to gain humanity’s allegiance. They do not want to destroy human establishments or the human presence. Instead, they wish to use these for their own benefit. Their intention is employment, not destruction. They feel that they are in the right because they believe that they are saving the world. Some even believe that they are saving humanity from itself. But this perspective does not serve Humanity's greater interests, nor does it foster wisdom or self-determination within the human family.

We happen to live in a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe, a highly inhabited part of the universe, where conquest is not allowed. For attempts at conquest create instability and conflict, and instability and conflict are resisted by networks of powerful Nations/Planets who seek to maintain stability and security at all costs, and this might explain to some why the Aliens do not come attacking us with laser guns Etc. The Aliens also face other problems interacting and interfering on this planet, and that is the Biological Hazard. The E.T's have been abducting Humans and creating Hybrid beings, these are half Human half alien beings so that these Hybrids may liaison between this planet and the Alien Visitor's Planet. These beings have a similar physiology as a human but a mind that is more geared to the E.T species and made to be Loyal to the Alien intervention race. In the greater community of life in the universe freedom is very rear because many races of E.T's see it as chaotic and they have limited it to a great degree to attain stability, they do not respect our freedom and cannot see what we are doing with it/why it is so great and they believe we should not have it. 

This may be scary to some and unbelievable to others, but I assure you, do the research enough and these truths will be evident, to those that are scared all I can say is that we are not the first to experience intervention and we will not be the last as this happens to all early evolving race's of beings on coveted Planet's. To Offset the Alien intervention on this planet there some things that need to be implemented to keep our freedom and not loose what we have built. The three requirements are unity, self-sufficiency and extreme discretion. Humanity’s future in the universe will be largely determined not just by foreign persuasion or intrusion, but by your ability to create a sustainable use of the world. Here humanity will have to enter a more mature phase of its development. You will not be able to focus on growth and expansion, for your resources will constrain your expansion, and your growth and the universe will not allow you to reach out and take what you need from other worlds beyond this solar system. In a more united state, you will preserve your resources and share them equitably because you will have realized that you must establish a state of stability and security. The third requirement is the need for extreme discretion. To be a free race in a neighborhood of space filled with races that have no freedom and do not want to encourage freedom, you must become extremely discreet. You must establish yourself as a non-threatening presence to these worlds. You must not engage in trade with them to any significant degree. And you must not allow them to visit your world and to scrutinize your behavior. This Topic is much more extensive then what I have stated here, to fill in the rest of the blanks, there is know where else you need to go apart from to www.alliesofhumanity.org. I have researched many topics about corruption and have ended up finding that there is more to then what meets the eye and an Alien component to why the world is in the state that it is in. Please look into what i am saying here and discover the greatest gift for humanity. This is actually that serious that all I can hope is to pass it on to you, please look in to this thoroughly and inform others of the what you find at the website. This topic is very important and I hope now you know some of the reason why, please go to these website's also www.thegreatwavesofchange.org and www.newmessage.org 


(1.) Dr. David M. Jacobs (Abductions)


(2.) The Greada Treaty


(3.) The greatest Gift for Humanity and all about the Alien deception


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