Another day another terrorist attack! uk slides its way to a broken down failed state.

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

failed state.gif

Four months, four terrorist attacks, and one tower block tragedy! to say things are ok in the UK at this present time could be taken as an act of lunacy or pure ignorance, in the early hours of this morning a man took it upon himself to drive a van over people who were leaving a mosque from attending prayers, i am not going to assume this man's individual reasons, or any other individuals reasons for these attacks! so as to not cloud any issues in any way to mask what is happening here in the UK, but it is clear that there is a massive problem in society and i really do not know if it is fixable?

I have written article's before about mass uncontrolled immigration and its probable effects and i still think it is the catalyst to all that is happening here in the UK now, throwing millions of people of different ethnicity's together to live in such a small already heavily populated island can only lead to very big trouble. that trouble comes from non integration not from small amounts of people but from the ever increasing large amounts that have and continue to come, yes we have always had controlled immigration to and from the UK in decades past but no where near the uncontrolled amount of the last twenty years or so, this not only competes against the original people of the UK but also against the previous generation's of immigrants that came here from the 60's 70's 80's and there next generation family's, all chasing the ever decreasing jobs and work to sustain them all.

Measuring 500 x 100 miles strip of land near its widest! with a population of over 70 million people its not rocket science to see we are stuffed full! no society can with stand this amount pressure on very little or no natural resources, from just a promise to pay debt economy, this is madness.

If you take the capital city of London for instance with its now near 9 million population, there is officially over 300 different languages spoken there now, yes some will rejoice in the fact of it being a cosmopolitan city, but is it integrated along with its people? if you take a look at maps available on wiki it is clear that it is not, like go's with like! or similar, causing an ever bigger divide of people and there way of life within that city, you can see this in results of local and even national elections, we are at the point where it is boiling over and conflict between these areas will undoubtedly break out as services and local economy's fail, this in my opinion was clear to see in the very sad and tragic event of the grenfell tower block fire, with now 79 lives lost and still rising, with its appalling lack of safety measures.
As for the terrorism? well with now over 20.000 (government admitted figures) terrorist jihadi's roaming around mixed in these and other city's populations, the UK is likely to be added to the list of broken down failed state's within a decade.


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I sure hope Europe is not going to end up like Venezuela .

unfortunately all very possible rt66neon :(

I really thought the Brexit and Trump being elected would really slow this down but I guess it may take a long time. I sometimes wonder if Trump is a globalist because if he is not then he needs to put a halt to Agenda21 Communist Manifesto . Agenda21 is destroying the United Kingdom and jobs everywhere.

I'm not advocating anything, but it looks like the Europeans are fed up with all the terrorist attacks. So it looks like it's about to get rough.

I think there is a strong case to be made that the reason there is not more integration in the UK is because it isn't necessary to learn the language and assimilate into British culture and adopt British values.If you are coming to the UK from a poor nation, your quality of life will increase dramatically if you sign up for welfare unemployment benefits, including extra benefits per child. The poorest least industrious people are literally being paid by the government to propagate their values and culture!

yes indeed you could be right eoincurran! trouble is what sort of country is that? is it a country i would wish to continue to live in where you are paid for doing nothing apart from reproducing more off spring to create more nothingness? crazy shit!

It's not a country, it's an area of land! To me,

country = people with inherited culture and traditions over time + historical boarders

I Just published a quick post on How Immigration Programs Are Evil You may be interested!

It's not that they are doing nothing, that may be true but they are also replacing British values as they on the whole have more children than British people.

yes i could not agree more

Lib lav Con Govt are demographically annihilating us through
public policy.