about recruitment

in politics •  6 years ago 

What strategies have you all found to be the best for recruitment? I have large pools of people to recruit from, but I am currently seeking out individuals and getting them joining. They often create accounts, but stop using them after a few days. What helped you all get past that hump yourselves, and for friends you brought?

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Its hard for people to want to use this site unless people they know are here and active. Otherwise it's just the crowd of people who like saying things. I'd target the sayers first

Posted using Partiko Android

I try to say stuff. :)

Really, just having a sense of community will help, my friends are far more active and post considerably better content (i just microblog, like i'm on twitter of fb fyi). For the ones i brought along we transact with one another in gaming competitions, raffles, and marketplace (sell services/goods between the community), or, of course, tip among one another (not just in Steem, but in other cryptocurrencies). Bringing along friends and tossing coins to one another really gets people engaged, especially if you're a whale sharing among your personal community. Just make things fun or interesting really, and as for posting on Steemit specifically, most people feel disconnected since i'm sure most of their other friends don't use Steemit, tough to have them stay if they aren't having as much as a good time as you are.

Just my thoughts :D

"not just in Steem, but in other cryptocurrencie"

you are assuming I am bringing people from other currencies, but that could not be further from the truth. Most of them don't care about the existence of it one way or another

people are always saying competition is fun, but science proves it is just harmful in the long run. turns out people enjoy being social more than the act it is centered around specifically. In a society centered around capital it will likely involve competition, but I don't want to bring in more than is already forced on us

although I do agree a sense of community is the solution, the problem is how to create a strong community in a platform centered around capital

"Bringing along friends and tossing coins to one another really gets people engaged, especially if you're a whale sharing among your personal community."

yeah money seems to be one of the few things people actually care about on this platform.....I bet that will go well....

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I posted some scientific data useful for my former colleagues and commented on the potential for SteemSTEM to facilitate communication and collaboration. Frequently I post interesting Steemit posts on Facebook accompanied by an explanation that I am more engaged on Steemit while I lose trust in Facebook. I think endorsing Steemit as an alternative to Facebook is effective now, especially while Facebook is vulnerable as it faces criticism and security issues.

afaik nobody I have invited even touches facebook.

I used to be management in SteemSTEM. I ran all the bots and such. However, I decided to quit. There is no way I am inviting people here to interact with them

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

a response from my work. a sense of reward, not necessarily through STEEM.

Really this platform is a creative outlet for me, so using it gives me a stimulus. Some people may not get that if they aren't writers or bloggers. If they have other hobbies or interests, maybe the platform simply isn't their thing, regardless of potential financial earnings or not.