If respect needs to be earned, then why would anyone show Joe Biden any respect at all ???

in politics •  11 months ago 


No, that's not how it works in international relations. Respect needs to be shown by the head of one sovereign nation to the head of another sovereign nation, especially when those two nations are allies. And Israel and the U.S. are allies. Israel is officially a “major non-NATO ally” of the United States.

So, no matter how Joe Biden personally feels about Bibi Netanyahu, when the Prez is in any public setting or in any conversation which might wind up being quoted in the press, Joe needs to show Bibi respect -- not because he likes the guy. (Obviously he doesn't.) No, he needs to show Bibi respect because it's part of Joe's job -- to speak and act respectfully towards the elected leader of an allied nation, whether he personally likes or loathes the guy.

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