Misinformed ignorant country bumpkin-ism versus self-righteous virtue signalling.

in politics •  3 years ago 


As the Delta Variant spreads, I can't help but wonder of Democratic leaders:

Do they care more about prudent leadership or do they care more about projecting the appearance of prudent leadership?

From the start, Republicans have handled this very immaturely. Even ones I usually like have disappointed me with their hyperbolic rhetoric.

But that doesn't mean Democrats were much better if any better.

In fact, in many instances, I find Republican conduct more excusable. Republicans are, in many cases, completely buried beneath piles of misinformation. But Democrats? I think they're deliberately, knowingly embracing a counterintuitive approach to fighting Covid. Thus, it's almost easier to forgive brainwashed Republicans than self-aware Democrats.

Because Democrats are still choosing a certain leadership approach even though it so obviously runs contrary to the sociopolitical truths we all know well.

Here are some truths everyone should have taken into consideration before choosing a course of advocacy. Not saying they're good, only that they're TRUE.

We live in one of the most sociopolitically polarized eras in American history. Truth.

Democrats hate former President Trump and wouldn't openly support him even if he comes out in favor of adopting more impounded puppies. Truth.

Though their hatred isn't as focused on one personality, Republicans hate the various outspoken Democratic leaders who so frequently appear atop headlines and they'd probably stop drinking water if Democrats encouraged them to stay hydrated. Truth.

This is America and, for better or worse and especially in this polarized day and age, if someone even MENTIONS the words "banning" or "mandatory" there's going to be immediate pushback. That's just how it is. It's a truth we should recognize.

Say what you will, these are all realities in contemporary America and, what's more, everyone knows it. It's not like any of you are surprised to hear any of the aforementioned. They're obvious.

So why not factor these widely understood truths into your approach to handling Covid?

President Trump stoked the flames of controversy during a time we should have tried to set aside differences, but of course he did. He wouldn't be Trump otherwise. No one really expected or expects differently from the Donald. Republicans followed in his counterproductive example. All as expected.

But did Democrats exercise a more prudent approach? The Blues who always claim to be the mature adults in the room? Their leaders approached the whole thing with a more measured, prudent demeanor, right? One that took account of important and well-established sociopolitical nuances of our time?

Lolz! Of course not. Because why actually be a mature leader when you can project the appearance of mature leadership while your fans clap (even though you know full well that projection is counterintuitive).

Democratic leaders KNOW they're widely disliked. They KNOW the US is infested with widely influential vehicles of misinformation who will find a way to make anything they say appear sinister and dangerous. They KNOW any restrictions or mandates they suggest are not only going to see massive pushback but, in fact, will see conservatives DELIBERATELY make a point to disobey them.

I know antisocial, reclusive Republicans who haven't been to a party in years whose 2020 Facebook page looked like that of a college sorority socialite butterfly. They made a special point to be out just because Democrats said they shouldn't be.

So what does mature leadership look like if you're a Democrat?

It seems to me that, obviously, it has to start from a place that acknowledges certain sociopolitical truths.

For instance, they should recognize that dramatic gestures of grandstanding and virtue signaling which stress the importance of masks, social distancing, and vaccinations are going to do far more to dissuade Republicans from embracing those things than they are to encourage Democrats to embrace them.

They should accept that their endorsement of strict lockdown measures will ultimately generate at least as much deliberate pushback as adherence to implemented restrictions.

I mean, come on! You can't tell me that Democrats aren't abundantly aware of the fact that if they flaunt something as an important, morally praiseworthy indication of responsible citizenship, that thing is EXACTLY what Republicans will forcefully oppose.

I'm not saying this reality is a good one or that contemporary Republicans are justified at all. I'm simply saying that this is how things are. Democrats know Republicans will push back, they know there's massive misinformation that will subvert the intentions of their words. Democrats know this is how things are, yet they're choosing this grandstanding approach still.


"well, if modern Republicans weren't so intransigent, unreasonable, and prone to misinformation, we wouldn't etc. etc. etc."

But the fact is Republicans ARE that way. Republicans will make a point to oppose anything you support just because it was you who supported it, and you know it.

Here's the question, though: What's more important to you? Using the opportunity to demonstrate Republican shortcomings, or actually getting them onboard with anti-Covid measures?

If all you care about is demonstrating Republican shortcomings and feeling oh-so-good about yourself by comparison, then grandstanding and forceful advocacy is the correct approach. Good job. But if you actually hope to encourage your political opponents to get on board and work toward fighting this thing, you're going about it all wrong.

So, while President Trump and Republicans are certainly inexcusable, Democrats aren't exactly acting like the mature leaders they claim to be.

Instead- as usual- Democrats are more interested in looking the part of the mature leader and patting themselves on the back for it than actually being mature leaders.

Because, ultimately, in this polarized atmosphere, mature leadership looks like keeping your mouth shut and not doing more harm than good by doubling down on a moral grandstanding approach of outspoken advocacy.

And I absolutely refuse to believe Democrats don't know that.

So when they speak out forcefully in favor of masks, social distancing, and vaccinations, I can't help but believe they're being knowingly counterproductive. Because they simply have to know their approach is the one least likely to sway the very Republicans who they claim to want to influence.

Thus, I can't help but believe their approach to Covid is informed more by their desire to maintain the appearance of leadership than by their desire to actually lead us out of this.

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If the concern was really to save lives, why is the U.S./Mexico border allowing untested foreignners from all over the world to walk into the country?

Do you really think if the threat was real, the border would be wide open? Really?